Im just confused because thats the only way I know how to do it? When they had some issues the media bros rep said it may be because they dont run it inline and I assumed he meant a column under a column. I didnt get how a hose would hurt things.
Ill be runnning media bros with the same material as the w1 for a comparison. I just want to do it by the instructions.
It won’t as long as you maintain flow
my old system was with 1.5 inch dump valves. Media bros own diagram shows hose so i think ill just use hose because thats how my new rack works. And I geuss no stalling in the medium? The w1 didnt get clogged at all.
dm for cheap dirt
Hey EveryBuddy,
I just wanted to throw this up here for those that are wanting to master the flowrate when using the Media Bros CRX & CRY.
Attached is a link to the new Media Bros. FC4080 Flow Controller.
This Mod replaces the need to monitor pressure and flow when running in-line CRC. This is designed specifically for systems normally set up for powdered media. This flow controller allows extraction systems operating between 40-80psi to switch from powders to high flow granular media without needing to change your system setup. Controlling the solvate flow helps to reduce channeling in the column. read more in the link.
Media Bros FC4080 Product Information Sheet.pdf (1.0 MB)
DM @ThatMidasTouch or myself if you are interested in adding one of these to your system.
Is that just a compression coupling with a small orifice?
I feel like you could accomplish the same thing with a sintered pressure snubber.
An orifice will certainly work, but a 1/2” needle valve allows you to swap back to your regular magic dirt without re-plumbing.
Besides, if you just use a pipe with a small hole in it, you might be encroaching on Apex’s “patented valveless expansion technology”
Anymore info @Hansel?
3.75 lbs Of this years outdoor shucked and ground full plant
3x18 of media bro’s product (will check which one when outside again)
~80/20 Isobutane/n-butane, isobutane was from @GasLogix-Adam and seems just as clean as any other gas I have used.
Charged at 15 psi to start and bumped to 30 near end of injection
Solvent tank, injection coil and sleeve pre chilled with denatured Di Slurry
@ThatMidasTouch let me try a sample of the CRY
Cry is for running bad biomass. Crx is the go to for that fire brother
Media bros is the shit! Pardon my French but I’m a huge fan! Just make sure and throttle the flow on your media canister like it says in the sop included with every bucket!
@Hansel You got it! I’ll be sliding in your DM’s in just a moment!
@Hansel You got it! I’ll be sliding in your DM’s in just a moment!
My Bad , wrong thread!
But thank you for your feedback @birdistheword! Glad you were happy with the sample. Sounds like you’ll be coming back for more!