Free 1ml CDT Terp samples (until supplies last)

We always go with ptfe lined vials, fill them so theres minimal head space then top it with argon.
If ur doing it any other way ur doing the terps a misservice.

Definitely don’t sleep on these CDTs

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These are great. Not the best I’ve had. That still goes to hello Terpenes. But damn are these good, and some of my staff said it was the best cart they’d ever tasted (they were a gelato fan to begin with.) The price on these is just as good as the taste. Not that clean taste some others have, but very defined. Some people like those refined top notes better. I’d give these an A- to an A. This is based on hello Terpenes being my A+ gold standard. Give these a try. I will be loading up at some point for business.


Thanks for the review.
Like i said earlier, the extra special batches we keep in house and are willing to let them go at a higher price point then the prices listed.
Hello terpenes does have some A+ terps all around. Since harvest season is over and most of the A grade trim has been used up for thca or live resin. We will start sourcing indoor material and have a couple places lined up so that we can get it as soon as its trimmed.
We go with the flow, so Feb -may is indoor season. May-oct is light dep season and oct- feb is outdoor season.


MIxed up the Gelato 41 indoor terps today. 5% terps with 2nd pass distillate I’d run myself. The smell is great. Going to let them steep over night and put them in some Ispire series X 1mL carts tomorrow. Should have a report back by Monday :slight_smile: Thanks @Thetetraguy I’m stoked to try these.


So just got done filling the carts and tested them straight away. Got to say I’m super impressed. Honestly best non HTE terps I’ve had the pleasure of trying. INCREDIBLY smooth and complex profile. Honestly reminded me of that new sneakers/tennis ball profile which I’m a huge fan of. No discoloration or striations whatsoever upon mixing. Couldn’t be happier and will be inquiring about a purchase. Thanks for bringing a quality product @Thetetraguy


I filled the form out before they ran out, but have yet to receive anything

Send me a dm, with the name or email u used to sign up and ill see what happened. I thought i had gotten everyone that signed up in time

Hey man, I DMed you for the current menu but never heard back. Let me know when you have time, I’m interested in buying some

Gelato41 indoor. Mixed 7% into small washed diamonds.
Very pleased, too terpy for most ppl. Feel 5% mix would have been better choice, but still very happy with the sample product.

Yeah isolated terps can be a bit much on isolated thca.
when mixing with diamonds, i like mixing the terps 50/50 with d9 disty. Then adding that to the diamonds, i feel like it makes the terps stick better, instead of just lightly “wetting” the outside of the diamonds with pure terps. You end up losing some minor nuances to the terps when its just sitting on the outside of your cannabinoids.

If u want to make an “HTE” replica, my go to recipe is 1:1:1 thca:d9:terps. Then use that hte at like 20% hte to 80% d9 thc for carts. Carts end up around 6.5% terps, 6.5% thca, and the rest d9.


I’ve done this with CBC but not in those ratios.

Fire terps

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I got urs going out today, sorry for the delay.
Lifes been hitting me with bricks at every turn lately.
I was hoping for good karma from this giveaway but the cannagods are not happy with the hemp shenanigans going on these days lol


I resent that statement. Some of us are prioritizing our loyal customers over the people who never seem to be prepared this time of year (about his cart vendor statement)

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Mixed at 7-8% in some distillate. Very smooth floral flavor, followed by some sweet mint. Very tasty. Good for being discrete as there is no skunkyness or “dank” smell. Very pleased with this sample

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Sample of gelato arrived. Fast. Great to add with distillate/ cart making. Even tested with some bland sugars.

The stickers / slaps were a nice touch. I will reach out when I am looking.

Time Kills was my favorite. If you ever need a review posted elsewhere you can pm. Big fan after trying.

Apologies for the delayed review. The forum is presently ran by a hater and the admins are all too busy living the good life.


Super interested if available! (Im late to the party it seem)

I have them for sale still. I stopped the giveaway because i hit my alloted amount.
I gave out about $2k in value and costed me about $600 in shipping.

Ill post a thread soon about my sales and what i offer.
Ill be selling thca diamonds aswell


Sweet looking forward to pricing, trying to find a new CDT distributor; Looking mainly for OG kush lineage strains that are limonine dominant. I have had little to no luck. Cheers.