I respectfully suggest you’re not thinking about it correctly…
with lemonade, you’ve got lemonade. period.
with lemons, you can MAKE lemonade.
you can also make lemon meringue pie, and invisible ink, a battery…
If you’re motivated enough you can extract the limonene (etc) then go after cannabinoids with it… Terpenes as a solvent - #9 by stoopkid
chances are you can even get a fluorescent signal out of a fraction finder (probably achieve that with the lemonade too )
can you explain these results?
there is more THCA in the 20mg isolate than the 44mg HTE, yet the HTE shows a MUCH bigger signal. if it is the THCA responsible for the signal, that makes zero sense.
first peak is the internal standard. second is THC. more THC doesn’t == more signal on Fraction Finder. Why?
or maybe you could run me through the samples shown here.
is sample 3 cannabinoid free? or the most pure sample you received? makes a huge difference to the interpretation of the data.