Amazing how difficult of a time I had finding clean high thc ethanol crude at a good price, on a medical basis in SoCal. I have a decent sized network of contacts, and looked for probably two weeks contacting well over 30 people asking if they knew a source. Got a few replies but all for problematic or overpriced crude.
Figured now that I’ve found a steady source of quality I’d share the love for all you folks still paying 2900+ a l for clean crude.
I had such a had time finding ways to get high… i looked high and low. Then i discovered this website called virgin galactic which would take me as high as i can go for only $100K! I thought NASA was the only show in town but i realize they are just hating ass punks. Dude even said we can chill on his island where celebrities stay all the time! why would i want crude when i can go to space???
Nobody got tired of me begging for a crude connect up and down the biz section last two weeks? Was commenting everywhere I could trying to find clean crude but was coming up empty. Wasn’t thinking clearly when I thought making a post like this was a smart idea.
Since I have a lot of quarantine free time I’ll explain.
My favorite line to say is “cheeseburgers”. I say this on many threads that are already derailed or are currently being derailed. It’s my personal smart ass responce to be funny.
The OP got it, all others got it. Do you get it now?