#forhire #donthate

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Bro I get that you’re looking for work but this isn’t LinkedIn or Indeed, there is already a thread for job postings and you can DM the folks who are looking for employees.

You don’t seem like a bad guy and I’m not trying to be a dick but you have made a couple of threads for the same request and it isn’t necessary, just bump the first thread you made and don’t post new ones every day.

Also giving a rough location gives members an idea of where you’re located and what may be available around you.

Best of luck with your search and Merry Christmas


I have been specific.
I’m in the
San Bernardino County

Fontana/San Bernardino/Ontario/Colton/ETC. Areas. I’ve HELPED grow and done my own/run my own extraction/ manage and operate my own legal cleaning/janitorial service. But hey just ignore it man

Here are a few cannabis industry jobs I have found near your area. IDK your background or expertise but these all seem to be fairly general and entry-level:

Cannabis Production /Flex Order Fullfillment Team member

Field Marketer


Armed Dispensary Security Officer (Full-time/Corona, CA)

It’s not trim work but it’s income and still in the same industry. I hope one of these positions or something similar will work out for you. All the best


I love the picture you posted. I love schematics. They make my brain happy

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Me too. I’m epileptic and seeing a visual a representation of things is that aren’t can be very nice and tricky

Bump bump bumpity bumpity Christmas

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Merry Christmas, give these contacts a shot for your epilepsy assistance.

I’m sure good work will come, just keep swimming.

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I just moved on Thursday and hired my buddy who is struggling with the same situation with the seizures. (He’s also unemployed rn) He was saying that kolonopins helped with his seizures a lot. I don’t know much about them but I figured I’d relay that info. Maybe some thc/cbd edibles, smoking, combined with ketogenic diet eating bacon all day and taking some kpins would increase quality of life.

A work from home phone sales job would be good for you if you can find it. i used to work reservations for Starwood hotels, we would make our base pay and then have other sales incentives to increase it. So at the time (10 years ago) it was 15/hr base and depending on our call time (faster is better) and conversion (how many calls can we turn to bookings) we would get x more per hour. I think i got about 7/hr over my base. You could also pitch the Amex credit card and if you got them to agree to the transfer to Amex after the call you got another 2$ added to that hour

Anyway i think just getting the seizures under control first would help your mental state and attitude towards things. Thinking about getting on track brain wise first is the best bet i could help you with a keto diet plan if you need just give me your height and weight to start. It would take around 7-14 days to get your brain and body into keto