Hey Team,
I have 2,500~ UZO 2g Disposables I purchased directly from iKrusher.
Unit worked fine I just upgraded to a custom 2g Disposable for branding.
Hey Team,
I have 2,500~ UZO 2g Disposables I purchased directly from iKrusher.
Unit worked fine I just upgraded to a custom 2g Disposable for branding.
I like this form factor a lot
Never had a piece of hardware leak worse.
About to throw 7200 branded 1g in my dumpster and replace with the ccell
You had these leak? I had pretty decent luck with them, I believe we saw under a 1% return rate for the brand we used them for. My biggest turn off with them was the Micro USB charger.
Yeah worked with I Krusher on filling sop and storage and still way too high compared to ccell.
Do you still have these?
Ive never had one leak, ive purchased around 60k devices snice may. Ill take those off your hands
I usually never have ikrushers leak at most they do clog at the top due to temp fluctuation but nothing crazy
Currently working with ikrusher to return my 8k leaky unusable units. They know it’s an issue.
Going with ccell for a disposable moving forward.
I havent had an issue with an uzos beyond last season updates if you need any help returning those give me a holler
All Ikrushers will leak if user guide isnt followed or if temp is above 210 when filling you significantly increase chance of a leak imo…but doesnt happen often . I had an immense leaking issue with nords in their early dev
I followed several sop and changed everything a few times and still similar leak rates
i have consistent less than 1% fail rates . Id love to share tek if needed
What’s your filling sop?
What percentage of terps?
I’m fairly confident I got a bad batch
Depends on project, but mostly ranging in 5-8% range.
Mix temp range
Conversion liters - 200-220*
Cat 3 - 200-220*
Cat 2 - 190-210*
Terps go in, jar gets homogenized, blend gets poured into machine / tank
Whatever machine /set up you’re using adjust to try and maintain a 200-205* oil temp even 210* .
How are you filling them? what temp ? what set up?
Also depending on when you purchased them i might be able to get a refund discussed at hq. Seems like a decent amount of devices , have they denied you of refund already??
I’m filling at 65c so there is noooooooo way I’m going over temp and I’m at 5-7% terps.
Working with them to either get a discount or put this half pallet of junk into a trebuchet and luang it through their corporate office windows.
Worst shot ever and I was warned against it before I made the purchase. I’m mad I didn’t listen
distillate??? seems very low
Works just fine on my jetfueler
Heat is the enemy for more than viscosity on shitty vape hardware. Gotta keep that thc from becoming cbn
are you not working with distillate?
Using distillate.
Never had this level of failure rate with any other piece of hardware.
I was warned not to use them
I didn’t listen
Now I’m here giving the same warning I chose not to heed.
Don’t be like me lol