FOR SALE: Incinerator for Biomass Destruction


Item Model/Manufacturer: Firelake P77
Description: See Manual
Price/MSRP: $ 60k
Current location of item: Las Vegas, NV
Estimated lead time: 14 Days
Fulfillment: Drop shipped / Direct from seller
User support / Warranty:

Manual.pdf (1.8 MB)

Unique item - for large quantity destruction of biomass.Processing:…

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any capability for using the heat?

either for facility heating needs or electrickery generation


Good question - I believe the unit is best placed outside as the combustion would create smoke/fumes. I purchased it from a large CBD operator that was going to distruct their used biomass by incineration.

I don’t think it would be best used to produce heat (inside a building) and electricity generation doesn’t seems like its best use.

To my knowledge the best use for the equipment is biomass incineration (CBD, cannabis), farm animal incineration (a small timeframe to destroy livestock that has virus) and illicit substance/goods incineration (police, DEA, etc).