Item Model/Manufacturer:
Price/MSRP: $
Current location of item:
Estimated lead time: Days
Fulfillment: Drop shipped / Direct from seller
User support / Warranty: **
Client #1:
Huber CC902; ~ $30k
Huber CC505; ~ $15k
(2) Huber Kiss 202c; ~ $3k/unit
TAEevo Tech Mini; ~ $6k
Client #2:
Gilsin-Chromatography machine CPC 1000Pro ~ $119,596
Huber Chiller & Heater, Unistat 825s; ~ $68,791
Touch Sciences Ovens, DZF-6500; ~ $13,875
- Shimadzu Hemp Analyzer LC2030C Plus; ~ $46,680
USA Lab 20L Recirculating Chiller; ~$6,700
(2) Short Path Wiped Film Evaporators; ~$60,000/unit
All prices are what clients paid retail. Obviously they are trying to sell the equipment so I’ll pass along any deal you seem fit.