FOR SALE: Chillers, Wiped-Film, Ovens, Chromatography, etc

Item Model/Manufacturer:
Price/MSRP: $
Current location of item:
Estimated lead time: Days
Fulfillment: Drop shipped / Direct from seller
User support / Warranty: **

Client #1:

Client #2:

- Shimadzu Hemp Analyzer LC2030C Plus; ~ $46,680

All prices are what clients paid retail. Obviously they are trying to sell the equipment so I’ll pass along any deal you seem fit.

Can you provide more info on the wiped film units please?


See attached information that I have. Please call with any other questions - Trevor: 775-223-3739
EccentroidMolecularStill (4).pdf (776.2 KB)
Invoice-1021-from-Eccentroid.pdf (24.3 KB)