Florida Legislature eliminate ‘delta-8’ hemp products

So what happens next for Florida…


This is good for (legit) hemp cannabinoid cos, I don’t get the gloom and doom headlines.

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I’d say follow the dollar… Humans respond most quickly to the fear response for preservation of life. Sex sells, Violence sells and for the media… Fear mongering is currency IMHO.

Watching too much negativity and thinking about it can cause mental health problems. This tends to be true whether it is ones own trauma or perceived cultural trauma. The news makes problems even when there aren’t any. The news people are a bunch of drama queens because they get paid for it and thrive on misinformation. Even if they report false stuff they don’t have to account for it and can say anything they want to you…

I think the answer to negative headlines is ignoring them. Get outside and exercise, train some weights or jiu jitsu. More free time, community and some howling at the moon once in a while. Touching grass and real human contact is still in our biology but we try to adjust to this dystopian AI future in 2024… There is a reason mental illness is at an all time high.

Short answer: Sensationalism sells, especially when it is packaged as ‘these are the facts’ and politically motivated.

I try to keep my mind pure :slight_smile: these days.

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Good mentality,I want to learn :open_hands:

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very curious about the impact and changes it will bring to the Florida cannabis market.

I’m nothing special, just a garden variety dope feen who went to grad school for psychology lol…

Glad I didn’t become a pharmacist. Ya can’t do that with drug felonies I just don’t do illegal stuff anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

October 1st is when it is supposed to go into play, but this is pretty wild… I have had a MMP card for 10 years, this bill is dumb and it is all about money for the dispensaries to protect their investment.

Medicine in its natural state should be freely available to ALL. DO NO HARM, Hippocratic oath c’mon guys. Do better as empathetic humans.

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