Flavor of CBD rich hemp

I have bought a number of different strains of >10% CBD hemp and have yet to come across one that has anything but an earthy / pine flavor. Is this inherent to low THC flower or am I looking in the wrong places?

I have seen a few people over on reddit adding terps to flower but no SOP or anything in the way of tek.

Any input is appreciated!

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The flavor will be mainly decided by your terps, and hemp terps aren’t really a thing. Some farmers are growing beautiful hemp and is really rich in terps, but hemp terps, in my and many others opinion, are just meh.

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Anyone have experience with Suver Haze or Lifter?

I’ve had 3 different CBD strains that all had unique flavor profiles, there are definitely some “hemp” terps that come out really nicely. I think breeders are going to be shifting their focus here in the very near future.


They’ve been growing high quality high CBD female hemp flowers in switzerland for years with beautiful terpene rich aromas and flavours. It’s grown indoors and can have 20%+ CBD. I would the swiss strains would do well for US hemp farmers but it probably comes back to regulations or some other BS but the strains are out there


I used to extract a strain called ringo’s gift, it’s got a killer cherry flavor. I always thought all CBD tasted like that.


OOAdding terps My way on bulk flower
Take a terp readout from the biomass to be procesed
Take a readout of a sstrain You want to copy
Write down the terps missing in quantity or missing anyhow😀
Take a micro scale and make a mix of the terps You want to Ad
Freeze Some butane i do 100ml for every kg
Take a small garden spray that Can be pumped to pressure by hand
Pour terps in spray bottel Ad cold butane
Close botlle and let t temp come to room temp
Place a plastic on the Floor
Place biomass on plastic
Place big carton box over biomass i use fridge boxes but washingmachine or selfmade works to
Just make sure that the box is high
Then spray high above biomass 4ft minimum the terp coctail
Only 20% then swirl biomass spray again until all is used this way all ssides
Of the flowers are sprayed
Leave to cure for a day in open container
For butane that didn t Evaporate When falling down evaporates
And the terps blend in
All of the above outside for butane vapors a dangerous
And thats it


Can this be done with a different solvent?

Is the biomass already broken up or do you add to the whole flower?

By only 20% you mean to just spray 1/5 of the total terp cocktail and swirl (repeat x4)?

Try pine berry

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I have some results from steam extracted Suver Haze:

beta-myrcene: 460000 ug/g
trans-farmesene: 108000 ug/g
beta-ocimene: 45000 ug/g
beta-caryophylleene: 30800 ug/g
limonene: 24000 ug/g
a-pinene: 11400 ug/g
a-humulene: 11100 ug/g
linalool: 7000 ug/g
b-pinene: 6660 ug/g

  • traces of 30 more.

So, yeah, there’s myrcene in it for sure…
Does anyone have a profile from suver haze flower?

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yeah, me too. I’ve hit at least 1/2 dozen strains that tasted like cherry before I found one that did not. my assumption is that the cherry taste is genetically linked to the high expression CBDsynthase allele. Phylos probably has that data.

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