Oreos. Take one side off, stick to car on hot day
They will slowly melt down the side of the care and leave white stripes… and bake on some impossiblemto remove sugary crap
Oreos. Take one side off, stick to car on hot day
They will slowly melt down the side of the care and leave white stripes… and bake on some impossiblemto remove sugary crap
I’m ashamed of all of you
2L bottles stuffed with a little dry ice, capped and add a tiny bit of water.
Real funny, makes people jump.
they float too. Which can make for an amusing river experience.
I maybe simultaneously got dry ice added to a boy scout camps banned substances list and broke a Nalgene in a similar fashion
Lol dry ice was fun we used to do chlorine and iso in a 2 liter. Thank God i wasnt around for this but my friends at the time (we were like 16) borrowed thier parents brand new Lexus and went to drop a chlorine/iso boy in a neighborhood mailbox. The fucker blew up in the car!!! All 4 of them got knocked out, one of them came to first and got every one out of the car but apparently they were all bleeding from the nose and allllll kinds of other nightmares. Thank fuck I wasn’t around for that one… Oh and the interior of the car was mostly fine
Well, did anyone else do drano bombs???
Drano, tinfoil, pop bottle, boom.
Great thread. Taking lots of notes.
Drill small hole in upper part of headlight sized for zippo fluid nozzle. Fill headlight. Wait till night time.
We actually made some ignition charges that way kinda when I was young. We’d break the tip off an xmas bulb, fill it full of smokeless powder, then tape that to a fuse. One two little copper ends, we’d clip on those estes rocket ignitors on some longer wires.
Push the button, sends a charge, lit the smokeless and fuse, and that led to whatever you can imagine.
Expose the vapors from that burst to flame, and you will likely have a bigger boom than one would expect. If I’m not mistaken, the expanding gas that causes the explosion of the bottle is realtively pure hydrogen.
Once upon a time, I used to teach science summer camps. One such camp had an experiment where you take glass coke bottles, have the (gradeschool) children finely shred aluminum and place it in the bottle. I would then follow by adding a few pellets of potassium hydroxide (often found in drain cleaners) and fill it half full with boiling water. I would then cap the bottle with a balloon. Within a minute or two, the balloons would be plenty full, so I tried them all off and collected them. Then we all went outside where I exposed them to flame and made a rather large fireball with loud enough sound to set off car alarms a block away. The sound was far more impressive than the sight. You could feel the shockwave from a fair distance, too.
We also taught the kids how to make gunpowder in that camp and had competitions to see which group could make it best (hand grinding with a mortar and pestle). We didn’t tell the kids they made gunpowder, but they enjoyed it all the same. Parents somehow never figured it out either. Wonder if they still teach those…
I never actually put one near a flame, knew it created hydrogen, but just never did it. Too bad, I freaking love those percussion blasts!
Six foot dowel (at least), welding gloves, lab coat, safety goggles, and have fun! The experiment is easy to duplicate.
Edit: a shielded candle helps too.
I’m in a pretty urban area nowadays unfortunately, I don’t get to have any of that kinda fun! Well, without pissing a whole bunch of people off anyway haha.
Had the fire department and police called a few times performing this trick. I had a habit of overfilling the balloons. Hydrogen is fun to blow up, and I was always as safe as possible, being the responsible party for 8-16 primary school children while doing this kinda made me feel obligated to do so. The Hindenburg must have really been impressive to see go down.
My kinda crazy now is ar15 with binary trigger(YouTube it!)out in the sticks…
Will put smile on any man’s face
Or a women’s face! One of the best videos I have of my wife was her first time shooting an AR15 and unloading a full clip as fast as she could. So much fun!
I have my custom .308 to do that for me. The hair trigger my grandfather put on it is the lightest I have ever felt on any firearm, ever. Freaks people out. Less than a single pound on the pull makes for good, clean shooting.
@MrRandy pointed out that filling ones Playa extinguisher with powdered titanium might be more amusing that setting magnesium engine blocks on fire…
Have you even seen binary triggers? It sounds like full auto when shooting
A round fired for every pull of the trigger and on the release. 2 bullets per trigger action