First time trying to breed outdoor

Hello. I grow indoors, had 4 males come up out of 7-8(sucks ass but dealing with it like an optimist) so I might try my hand at cross breeding 2 of the males I have, White Tahoe Cookies is the strain of the males and Northern Hash Plant is strain of the female I have outdoor. Would it be a good idea to breed these 2? Both indica dominants.

Edit: everything is outdoor away from the indoors. So no risk of impregnating the indoors, shower everytime I work outdoors.


I’d just cull the males, you can do what you’re saying, but it seems like your limited in space like I am.

Tbh, pheno hunting sucks, unless you’re in it for that part of the hobby.

You’re gonna hunt forever for that keeper cut, and you won’t be able to go through the volume of seeds others do to find a good cut.

Get some of cloners gear, then take cuts of those, or get some cuts from other members too.

My two cents anyways.


Appreciate it. Doing the breeding outside and flowering ladies indoor. Got plenty of space outdoors and will eventually have space in the grow room/office for a second tent for flowering.

Not really into pheno hunting per say, just have a passion for cannabis and doing anything related to it, why not dabble in some new things for experience. Appreciate your 2 cents and shall do the clone thing you recommended. I made a clone thread thats poppin still, haven’t updated it but 2 of the clones survived, 1 got mold so tossed it. Of the (maybe 10-15 1 survived) which idc as long as I managed to get 1 that paves the way for me to get 5-10 clones rooted next time.

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I don’t think this idea will go as smooth as planned.

I also wouldn’t go out of the way to breed plants that you haven’t confirmed are worth breeding.


You could also just do 1 branch of each plant, would mitigate your possible pollination of your indoor.


I could try that, i might. I do want to experiment more however, I do realize the great amount of risks in this(more so what the hell will the bud look like) and the indoor pollination, but its a sealed environment very far from the males outdoor, as stated before I shower before I go near my indoors. Usually showering 2-3x a day lol.

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I realize that as well. The risks with the genetics is what I’m worried about, but, it is a learning experience for hands on if I take sufficient notes.

I want to expand into breeding more, I think this might(?) be a good first experience. Not looking to breed fire new genetics, just looking to get knowledge in something and learn off of first hand experience.


@CapitalismSucks420 go for it man !!! The branch suggestion is a good one so you get some seed to grow out later and still get a flower harvest…Good luck and enjoy growing your seeds :+1::sunglasses:


The lady has seeds growing on her. FAT pistils

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Chuck some pollen and see what happens! Good learning experience, and satisfying to watch both male and female plants go through their entire natural life cycle. Be prepared to have a literal fuck ton of seeds if you just let them grow next to each other and get it on for any length of time.

@stoopkid and @Curious_Roberto make excellent points against doing this. Another is rogue pollen. I’ve rarely pulled an outdoor plant with zero seeds. Back in the day when I would scout almost a mile in every direction, killing wild males, I could grow seedless outdoors. Last year I cut two plants in August, and there was as much seed as weed, but the others that were cut in October were barely seeded. My point I guess is that seeds bred outdoors aren’t guaranteed to be from the father we select.

I’ve done plenty of pollen chucking, indoors and out, but rarely grow any of it. It sits in the fridge for the day when I can hunt through hundreds at a time. It’s a great way to have a huge pile of seeds for the zombie apocalypse, but no guarantee of much fire. Then again, that one in a million could be in there, but I’d rather spend my time and limited space growing something more likely to be the bomb.

If you want good uniform results and some seeds worth growing, try making an open pollination of a stable strain that does well in your area. The more in the party the better if you want to preserve a strain. If you just want some beans, pick a few nice females, and one lucky male.

My final thought would be to do the breeding indoors. Take cuts of everything going out to flower. Observe the plants that are put out, and select which to breed with based on desirable characteristics. Once selected, crosses can be made indoors with less risk of rogue or wild pollen entering the equation. Even a tiny plant in a gallon pot indoors will yield plenty of seed, and the outdoor plants can be grown into big trees of good smoke.


Thank you! I’ll write this thread down when I’m home. Still have to get better at taking notes lol. But the female I have is dispensary genetics, Northern Hash Plant, and so far shes standing up well to my outdoor climates.

The males I have a feeling aren’t from the Original father/cut, white tahoe cookies, so thats what I’m worried of. As I said too my goal is not to get fire or breed fire but to get a personal understanding.

I will write down everything thats 100% the most important thing to know when doing it. I really appreciate everyones help/2 cents on this questionable idea lol. So far the indoors haven’t been affected, as I said, shower 2-3x a day and whenever I go near the outdoors. I will shoot you a dm of some pics later tonighy

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I shall do breeding indoors to when I dabble in it more in my future. I’ve heard its wayyy more stable doing it that way. Gotta work with what ya got though.

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I should add that breeding indoors to make an outdoor strain is less than ideal in the end. It’s a great way to see what this crossed with that will turn out like, but it eliminates any epigenetic response unique to your area.

Allowing your plants to grow outside in your climate may allow some of their epigenetic responses to be passed along. It also helps to weed out any undesirable characteristics while watching them develop that wouldn’t have been apparent if grown inside.


Take a trash bag and wrap it over the male w open pollen sacks u wanna cross shake it some

Then take that trash bag or do several bags over the males and take the bags w pollen on the inside and stick them over a good branch for day or so tieing it shut…give the bag a couple knockingaround to encourage pollen falls…then remove after few days and most the time just that branch will have seeds , you’ll find few seeds in the other branches but nothing like the one you pollinate


I had to lob the main stem off the female, rainstorm did something to idfk but had a normal looking spider on it(shivered me out) before I cut it off. But im yet to see if the males are pollenating