I have a problem filling the tank with gas from a can. I need it for CLS.
I do everything like in this video.
Unfortunately, the gas does not go to the tank. What am I doing wrong ? it must be some detail i guess
This is my set , please have a look
It seems that when I open the can on the opener, the gas does not want to go further. Blue valve is open during filling
Maybe hose it’s too long, or it is tank fault . Tank is never used
Liquid valve is open
Yes i did vacuum the vessel out.
I am very careful and have done some research on this. Unfortunately, theory and practice are two different things. I’m trying to understand it all with the help of the folks on this awesome forum
wouldn’t it be better to vacuum the collection vessel and tank, inject the solvent into the collection vessel and distill the solvent into the tank…thus having “clean” solvent to use?
slow and cold distill, solvent temps under 65f…
I even distill the solvent from b.v.v. 's lp5 tanks just to be sure…
it will help if you cans are warmer than your solvent tank. Cool your solvent tank or warm your cans up a bit ( be careful). Or do both and it should go much faster
Cool the receiving tank ice water works
Dry ice works faster
Doing this on your collection pot makes more sense for you distill and hopefully have a pressure gauge to see what’s happening
If you wish to know what’s in the can
Let it get to room temp in the gauged tank and read the pressure at that temperature and check the posted chart
You can put the max vac on it but the fact is that tank is tiny and room temp…. The minute liquid gas hits it will expand and equalize pressure between the 2 VERRY quickly blocking flow…… I think.
I have my tank on dry ice and isopropyl
I make sure my gauge is at -29Hg*
I’m hooked into the side that has the dip tube (I prefer it but tbh I feel like it makes no difference waht side you fill it on because of the natural vacuum created from the slurry)
I open the tank first > then I open the makeshift fillers shut-off going to the tank with the hose attached > and simultaneously as soon as you open the shut-off to the can you press the can into the port and you let the solvent shoot into the tank.
I repeat this process about 4 to 6 times.
Then I distill the solvent.
I think puncturing a can is a safety hazard.
I explained in a locked tokers lounge thread how someone could probably safely rig a triclamp manifold to tap 4 cans at once by firmly pressing down the cans onto a table and into the manifold depending on the temp of the cans and the amount of cold the tank has.
… But I don’t know the efficacy or safety of trying to inject multiple cans at once in the up-right position…