Filter housing cooling

I have been looking for a dubble-walled filter housing for the winterization. Before I invest in this filter housing. I want to know if anyone has a setup with nitrogen cooling or any other method to keep the filter housing cool for the filtration.

Should be no different than any of the various topics regarding the same on jacketed spools. The TLDR is make sure the vessel is appropriately rated, install a PRV that can’t be isolated from the jacket, and use a back pressure regulator to control the jacket pressure otherwise you’ll either overpressurize or just blow liquid right through without boiling enough of it.


@Mr.Winterization What type of filter housing are you looking to have jacketed? ErtelAlsop can jacket our lenticular, bag, and cartridge filters. Additionally, if you want a bolt on jacket for an existing 8" housing, we can assist with that.
Below is our 4-stage lenticular CannaSkid with a jacket on the first lenticular to keep the housing and lenticular cartridge from warming up between batches.


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We have jacketed housings (lenticular, bag or cartridge), in essence double walled. And you you can run glycol or other refrigerants through the jacket in order to keep the housing and the contents cold. Let us know how we can help.

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This is the one we have been looking for. But the company could not provide a solution for how we could keep the housing cooled. So we are looking further. Can you tell me more about the cooling system you are using?

I will send you an email. Thanks in advance!