Feminized seed production. Who has the tech?

I’m looking to do a feminized seed run.
Seems very easy and getting info from people here and there but wanted to see if there’s anyone willing to give out they’re tech on producing stable fem seed…

Thanks all!!

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I can help you out with this. It’s pretty easy using Colloidal silver.


What are you looking to learn?

Like @JedClampet said, it’s pretty straight forward. I did it once.

All you do is put a females into flower, spray a branch, or the entire plant, with colloidal silver for the first 3 weeks or so of flower and the site will turn male. Let your male pollen sack mature until they’re about to open, harvest said male flowers, pollen will look like dust.

Store in a cool dry place, when you’re ready, use a paintbrush to collect some pollen and brush it onto a plant in early flower. You should get seeds then.


I believe we used a silver thiosulfate solution applied for two weeks or so?


I can do it. It is easy in theory. Like anything else, there are tricks to it that you pick up after doing a few runs. Do you want volume of seed or just want a few?

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I agree with this, there are a few tricks that I’ve learned and a simple process to break up the colloidal silver in to smaller particles when using a colloidal silver generator. Timing seems to be key as well. I like to switch my pollen producing plants 2 weeks prior to the rest of the plants as males in nature generally mature faster and start to produce pollen sacks prior to the female flowering cycle.


I went that route the first time and had some issues with plant health. Its a proven method though for sure. I have the SOP for silver thio sulfate. If anyone needs it.


Good for you if you can make your own colloidial silver and make it work. I just buy the stuff. I tried some homemade cs that a friend gave me and it did not work at all. There is a whole separate art to making the silver, voltage, wire size, time in solution, lots of variables.

Get on ebay and grab a colloidal silver generator and an ultra sonic bath.
you will need a magnetic stirrer as well.
Place 1000ml straight side flask on Mag stirrer.
Fill with Distilled water to 800ml.
Place electrodes into Distilled water and stir. small vortex works best.
Let it run for 10 hours then pour into ultra sonic bath and sonicate for 5 minutes.
Store solution in amber glass in a cool location.
That’s how i do it and it works very well.


That’s cool. Too much work for me, though. The stuff I buy is listed as 120ppm I think. 90 to 120 ppm is the ideal range from what I have read, but the particle size may be just as important as the ppm.

How often do you spray the cs? I did it once a day. I have talked to people who had it work just by spraying the silver one time. I could see a lot of variables to test, like time of day or light intensity. If it is hot and windy and the cs dries out faster, does that matter, I wonder. I have also noticed that different strains take to it differently. Some are more easy to stress than others.

Colloidal silver is hit and miss with certain strains. I switched to STS and have gotten consistent pollen production for fems. You can find STS kits on Etsy for cheap.


For me I spray twice a day starting 5 days prior to switching the lights and continue until I see the pollen sacks start to form then I spray one more time. I’ve always done it in a grow room so the lights stay consistent and the atmosphere is optimal plus its easier to move pollen around with fans in a smaller place giving you even distribution with out the possibility of cross pollination from a neighbor. I’ve only ever ran two strains which are Boax and T1 so past that I dont have any data on other genetics but I would tend to agree that certain strains could react differently.

Easy to make if you want the SOP. We worked it out based off of molar weights when calculating how much of each solution to use.

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Are you making it or buying it? I don’t think it can not work, if you have the right colloidial silver. I have grown t1, baox, cherry blossom, wife, and then made my own cross of wife x t1, plus a few other crosses. Some react a little faster, and more importantly if you want volume, some strains seem to make a lot more seeds than others. And granted, this experience is only with hemp. I can’t speak for every mj strain out there.

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Weee Doggies…GA3?

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A @yorkshire terrier is a wee doggy (snort)


Shit…more like Yorkshire Terror. I give him 10 mg CBD daily. I make it with t-free full spectrum disty instead of isolate. It suits him fine.
apologies for off-subject…i digress.


You wanna talk about terrorizers get a Beauceron. imagine the energy and mind of a boarder collie with the body of a big German Shepard.


Oh man…I owned a Border Collie for 14 years. Note to self: Never get a dog that is smarter than you. ikwym. I can talk all day about Border Collies…


5 months old. Smartest dog I’ve ever had.