It takes a tough man to raise a tender chicken! Hemp has been cultivated and harvested for various reasons for century’s due to its numerous benefits. With the hemp plant, nothing should be wasted essentiality every part of it; from the flowers to the stem, to da seeds, and other components is useable, every inch is invaluable. Put some pep in your chickens step!
Surprisingly, it’s still not approved as a livestock feed in Michigan and can not be sold for said purpose.
Stank, you better write your Congressman Miss Debbie Dingell and find out what the hell’s going on because I damn sure didn’t make it up, here’s da link:
Dingleberry is useless. Until MDARD approves it as an ingredient in livestock feed, we can’t sell it here.
Theres some big name animal farmers in Africa that are growing just for their animal feed, tons on tons, all because they love the seeds profile for their custom blends of feed.
The Boogaloo Boys from the “Hemp Seed Coalition” are working to straighten that out. There’s your link! US group to seek approval of hemp seed meal for chickens
Says IF they submitted the application as planned in august 2020 we may see an approval in 2022. Then it also needs clearance on a state by state basis through their Ag department. That’s still a field full of pretty long rows to hoe…
I was just using it for bedding…it never occurred to me that the chickens would eat it…
Feeding chickens cannabis did nothing but slow down egg production. That was the last time we gave the chickens weed.
Seeds I’m sure are good. All the other vegetation is to much
Yeah, I don’t like chickens anyway, out here on Oahu our whole island is startin to look and sound like a damn poultry farm similar to Key West they have no natural predators and are overrunning the place. A lot of Farmers read this Forum and chickens WILL eat these seeds but then again they don’t have to deal with all the bureaucratic bullsh*t like the Farmers do! If that makes any sense.
That means less cook time right? Winner winner
Someone told me there was a cock pic thread going on future and I’m honestly kind of disappointed in you guys.
yeah never noticed any problems feeding it to goats or ducks. There was a guy feeding his pigs the down stream from a recreational grow and calling it weed bacon a few years ago in washington
Eish man, I met this crazy ex-mercenary in South Africa that would dose his chickens with RSO to the point they would just stick there heads in the ground. They would be fine the next day but can’t imagine that poor chickens trip.
unrelated to chickens, but in Swaziland I was told they make a goat fast for 3 days then feed it only cannabis for a week, then smoke the shit hash. not confirmed yet but looking to get in the mutton game, will keep you posted.
The rabbits and goats love the stems and water leaves
I wouldn’t piss of the FDA/USDA. Livestock feed and supplements (and product claims!) are regulated very similar to drugs for humans.
I used to have a squirrel that loved getting seeds. My rabbit goes nuts for a nice fat stem.
That’s what she said!