Federally Legal Hemp Derived D9/D9THCO/HHC Pectin Gummies FREE SAMPLES!

Ever consider lichee flavor?


@Kingofthekush420 Would love a sample if you are still sending them out.

I am curious about your bulk pricing.

I messaged you

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It won’t let me send u a dm

I sent you a DM

geez ppl

Loved the flavors! Watermelon was my favorite followed by blue raspberry then grape. Green apple was good even tho it’s never my go to in candy. Would certainly buy these if the opportunity arose.

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Really enjoyed the sample. All flavors are amazing honestly the best tasting and textured “gummy” I’ve had. These remind me a bit of “chuckles” they just melt in your mouth. Blue raspberry, the apple, and grape are probably my favorites but the variety was spot on. I tend to have a high tolerance to edibles but started with 3, followed by another 2 every hour or so and felt a good effect. Certainly gave me a bit of the munchies. Only regret is wish I had more for my recent vacation!

Would absolutely pick these up in the future. Really well done. I even left them in the car in the Florida sun for a couple days and they are still perfect, didn’t melt or seem to be impacted. Now I just wish I had more…


Pbnj flavor sounds interesting. You try those yet?

I havent made the pb&j Gummies yet as im waiting on organic peanut powder, we should be releasing these soon (hopefully before march)

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Very interested in the exploration of thcv in blends with other minors and whatnot in search of that crazy trip weed high that doesn’t knock you out. Of course I’m interested in the higher potency stuff when I’m gonna eat an edible, but honestly way more interested in snagging a bunch of low dose gummies for the old folks in the family that have never toked. 9mg might be a bit high for granny, but not too bad. Idk, kinda high and ramblin, but keep killin it @Kingofthekush420! I’ll be hittin you up for an order soon.


@Kingofthekush420 did a great job with these, the taste, texture, potency, etc are very consistent. Only thing I’d suggest is putting the dosage on the label.

Next I can’t wait to try the THCV - favorite cannabinoid by far.


Thank you @Kingofthekush420 . Love the sample…my favorite is green apple. Looking forward to seeing more flavors coming out.

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Agree…dosage information is a good idea

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i disagree. your dosage information has no bearing on mine. Some people freak out with a few mg even. some need 100+

Hey, I can’t seem to DM you, but I just stumbled upon this and couldn’t pass it up, I haven’t seen many edibles contain these levels of noids.

If you still have some left, I would love some samples, and if you are overwhelmed wouldn’t mind paying.

Hit me back whenever, I have a YouTube channel @True Review , and it’s all about reviewing unique noid products I come across; gaining tons of traction and would love to make a vid


Welcome to the future @TrueReview420!

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Dm sent!

Is there still a way to get a sample to try / buy some? Super interested in possibly saving me lots of time

Yes samples are still available Ill DM you