Federal legalization should model Oklahoma's system

Yeah. Wouldn’t it be awesome if they decriminalized and the only regulation was heavy metals/pesticides/contam labs and you’re good to trap as much as you wish… But at least we’re lucky enough to have some of the freedom back.

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Ah yes nothing like making it up to the 1% remaining

Better yet let’s just give their kids a prize because we took so long for their parents


God damn. My Grandfather was supposedly exposed while in Nam but he gets benefits and things. One of the lucky ones, for sure. He has his own pot farm now and lives happily and healthily.


This is exactly my dream… decrim, simple testing and safety standards.

Access to the industry, the rungs on the ladder should be attainable…

I don’t like the posturing utilizing legislation to keep the “poors” down. The industry should be for the people coming out of the streets, not Warren Buffetts portfolio…

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“You’ll get a medal for this son.”

And management will throw you a pizza party… is little Ceasars aight?

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All who served in my family passed tragically stateside from issues. It’s what originally pushed me to wanting to learn if there was something out there that would have helped.

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Even worse is when you figure out that there is, and you make the conscious decision to actually do something about it, at the very risk and safety of your own well being…

Even if it just makes it more comfortable the value is there.

Never “cured” a cancer patient, but have seen quite a difference in palliative quality.



I said lower tax so it can be used in a good way

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Or you’d have bunch seeded premie seeds bc ur dumb ass neighbor keeps growing huge ass males or herrmie’s!

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is good food dirt cheap? is good beer dirt cheap? beer is 16.99 for a 4 pack. whats happening is similar to alcohol prohibition where big companies chased out craft producers but it only took around 60 years to finally swing back


21 posts were split to a new topic: Thumper and Cattrip Have a Nice Chat

This is the worst possible outcome in the history of outcomes. Maybe ever.