Favorite/Best way of packing up slabs

I’ve seen so many ways of packing up slabs, what’s your favorite way? My personal fav is a pizza box. I also use file folders/Manila envelopes to stack multiple slabs in the same box (tho you have to use a top an bottom Parchment and it tends to cloud the shatter due to being pressed against the Parchment, tho this can easily be fixed with a heat gun). I also use the pizza box for help with dehydration and sugar prevention after the final purge. Usually storing them in individual boxes for 2ish days in a very dry area.

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I love packing slabs in my banger and lungs


The whole slab? Lol! Let’s see it. Post video

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lol no thanks; if i dabbed a whole slab id die fursure xD

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Proofing rack purged with N2

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I used pizza boxes when I rocked shatter…

That said, haven’t made shatter in a while and am thankful I can just store my sugar/diamonds/hte in mason jars!


Instead of packaging shatter pour your pourout into a jar instead of on parchment and make batters and dimes.

It’s 2021, if it shatters it don’t matter.


Thank you @Extractionguy

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I was going to reply that I pack my slabs in Mason jars pre purge. But I see y’all have more or less beat me to it.

Educate your customers and make your life easier. Pour into jars and crash.


:man_shrugging: I make it how they want it since they’re the ones paying me to do so.

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Vacuum seal qps separately and get a wine cooler and store in that if storage is needed. But we typically break down into qps and put into Vacuum seal bag and pull light vacuum enough to leave air so a bubble forms then out into 1 or 2 more vacuum seal bags pulled under full vacuum and if you want to go one step further mylar bags

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