Extreemly rare mint seeds/clones wanted

I am usually quite good at finding stuff on the web. I have no problem finding Salvia Divinorum clones or coca clones, easy! However, when it comes to Lagochilus inebrians I can’t find it anywhere!!! If someone could send me some seeds or clones I will pay handsomely. Thanks


Here’s 1 link lagochilus | eBay
All of the other places that I am finding that carries it, is currently out


holly shit! I have been looking for years, most everyone has been sold out for a long time… I owe you one capttripppp


wait a sec, thats an extract not seeds or clones, I have gotten fake extracts before. maybe this one is real, I doubt it

Damn, my bad Homie! I can’t believe how many places have it listed on their websites, but they’re currently out.

yes they have been out three+ years… some issue with supply out of the middle east

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I’ll keep eyes peeled in case I came across it somewhere

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You extracting mint?? find some wild mint

Same family as the mint you are familiar with but a different genus, I do pick wild mint for tea, wild stuff has better flavor. I find uncultivated soil is better for herbs aroma.

Lagochilus inebrians is what I am looking for


o shit just looked it up that does sound interesting. Been wanting to try khat extract lol

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