I mean kinda lol
Yeah we’ve definitely seen propane evaporators before. Never utilized in this manor before.
We’ve never seen extraction equipment like this before. His systems are revolutionary. Expensive as fuck, but your paying for the tech.
His system is so efficient it could run a couple hundred lbs a day on only 65lbs of solvent……
More like a couple thousand pounds on 65lbs (full 24 hr day)…
After dealing with equipment mfg claims that never happen in real world processing I’m just very skeptical of this claim. I use 100 lbs of solvent to process 20lbs of fresh frozen. After losing a few lbs of solvent to our socks and some left for crystallization we are typically left with 95lbs of solvent. We can run about 38 runs in a 24hr period. We lose almost 200 lbs of solvent. Would take us a lot longer to lose less solvent as without heating your material columns we always find loss there.
So my question is how would you run over 1000 lbs of material on only 65 lbs of solvent? Is this including the propane for chilling? I would buy one of these systems if I understood how it worked beforehand. If it’s really a bunch of new tech and ideas no one has used before it’s kinda hard to just trust these numbers when there so far off the traditional process.
How much propane is used for the cooling/heating? My chilling system uses 65 gallons of transfer fluid, and heating system uses around 30 gallons. If it was replaced by your cooling system how many gallons of propane would it take? Most people are stuck with 150lb maq for their booths. Those of us who can use 300 I feel are the minority.
I love some of the things I’ve seen so please don’t take these questions the wrong way. Just unclear on how some of these claims pan out.
I agree with John.
Ill buy your thermodynamic chilling method using hydrocarbons to chill, but your claims for processing this much biomass with that little hydrocarbon solvent is nonsense, if you ask anyone with real experience.
We typically run a 10:1 or 15:1 ratio when using propane. Dry bio we typically see a 1 to 3% solvent loss and 65lb will last all day long. Fresh will use more solvent across the day, especially depending on the solvent of choice. At the end of the run each column gets purged to 0psi and solvent recovered to minimize losses.
To run 1000lbs on 65lbs is simple with dry bio. The system does not need the full 65 to operate so there is plenty of excess solvent. We have ran over 300k lbs of hemp through one of our local Behemoths following this method.
The Behemoth R600 can move up to 30-40lbs of propane per minute non-stop all day long. We also just released the larger model the Behemoth XL R800 that can push up to 50-90lbs per minute of propane.
The refrigeration requirements kinda depend on how you want to operate and the size of system it is applied to. There are a few ways it can be setup.
Our systems are designed for continuous operation at extremely high speed with minimal MAQ requirements. We have small single column systems on a little 091 to our massive 10 column Behemoths running the largest compressors in the industry. All using the same technologies we have developed over the past years. Each system operates identical to the next, the only difference is column count and size.
This is a video of 10x 10# socks of 11% hemp being ran over 45 minutes. Moving a steady rate of 28-37lbs per minute and includes a full end of day recovery (which we usually only do once per day and not after every single round). You can see when a new column starts as there is a gap of liquid flow as each new column fills with liquid. This was extracted with a single 65lb injection.
Amount of solvent moved across biomass:
30lb/min * 45 min = 1,350 lb / 10 socks = 135 lb per sock or 18,000 lbs per 10 hr day
40lb/min * 45 min = 1,800 lb / 10 socks = 180 lb per sock or 24,000 lbs per 10 hr day
U.S. Patent Pending Technology!
And keep it cool and everything else I’m pretty amazed by the technology
Whatever you’re doing with what you have if those are actual numbers it’s amazing and I just want to tell you that.
Hopefully I can find someone with your system in the field to confirm your numbers
This is only the beginning…
We are already working on the next upgrade to all of our systems that is going to blow everyone out of the water.
Automation is on the horizon as well via our patented DaVinci Sensor!
I believe it and that’s why I’m paying attention to you
Keep it coming. Our smaller system can run up to 80lbs of fresh frozen a hour and I just don’t see the need for more as we don’t have to run 24/7 to keep up with sales. Maybe once federal legalization hits and we want to supply the whole country. Our current rate allows for 1million grams of concentrates per month. I wish we sold anywhere near that.
After being passive going back to a pump system just sounds wrong. One more piece of equipment to maintain. Then again if it removes the need of chillers the amount of power it would free up at our facility would be amazing. Do you offer the refrigeration set up for existing equipment ?
Was in fact the original purpose of this post. We have just released a stand-alone version of our Thermal Control System for users with their own systems. There are a few different ways it can be setup based on your desired requirements. There are multiple column options that can be applied to the system.
It is not as efficient as when directly combined with our systems as we have additional means of application built into the design but still works quite well on its own.
Just understand that these people WILL buy your shit.
Just do us the favor of seeing it in action
And I’m not calling you out because I paid attention to your social media
Showing/proving it is pretty much our goal right now. We first did a 10x column extraction video of an entire run start to finish. Now we are just finishing up a video of 5 columns being brought down to -50c in under 25 minutes, heating 2 in the middle of the process just to show the heating / cooling capacity and talking about what is going on a bit.
For now there is the time lapse and full length video of a single column getting down to -40c in under 4 minutes on our IG feed.
We are putting together a road model that we can take around to various states and have a class and live demo of the system in operation. Working to setup our first class with @Waxplug1 out in sunny California in the next coming months.
And I believe it Sir. I’m just saying it in public so you know
Would love to check it out in CA if it goes down.
I could find a spot to play with one, too
are the socks warm and slimy when you pull them?
I would be into it. You are out west as well no? Could likely swing through on the same trip. The more places the merrier. Either way lets make it happen.
Lets connect and work out the details.
Not at all… Dry bio comes out dry. Fresh frozen we keep the columns cold so the socks come out frozen. Only warming them up as we pull socks to make it easy to slide out should it not come out on first pull.