Extraction Equipment for Sale in Humboldt

Item Model/Manufacturer: Bhogart/AI international
Description: Closed Loop BHO Set
Price/MSRP: $20,000 obo / $100,000 MSRP
Current location of item: Humboldt County
Estimated lead time: Days
Fulfillment: Direct from seller


ASME 120lb Base
Manifold with desiccant tube
Injection coil
2 - 60lb solvent tanks
4 tube rack
4 - jacketed extraction columns with socks
Jacketed Surge/Winterization column with sight column
Bhogart explosion proof fan
2 honey pots with sight glass
CRC with sight column
MVP solvent pump
Jacketed solvent coil
Instant water heater
Bhogart vacuum oven with pump
Diamond miner
Nitrogen tank and regulator
AI international vacuum oven with pump
All hoses pumps and accessories included

Willing to train and provide SOPs for extra $.

This equipment was bought new at the end of 2020 and was used daily for roughly 6 months. It has been disassembled and stored under tarps and indoors since. Please no low balls and serious cash buyers only.

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how much bio mass are you able to process per run, how long per run?
Iā€™m seriously looking to source some equipment for a company but need to make sure it can handle capacity.