Extracting and winterizing while skipping the butane

I don’t know anything about that product.

Consistency variations are typically due to terpene concentration or other garbage you may have pulled during your extraction. You may need to dry it out more.

So its like an unstable shatter?

That’s what I’m gathering. :octopus:

If your material is older you’ll have more decarb. More decarb means more THC (liquid) less THCA (solid).

More heat during recovery can cause decarb as well.


Possibly nothing more than use your butane purging experience to guide the time on what is now an ethanol purge.

The boiling points are more than 60C apart…one is gonna take longer.

It’s also possible that @EverettMarm is correct and the difference is that this batch has more thc (decarb) than your previous batch, because it’s older or you went hotter.

Chances are it’s all three of those…


This is after 48 hours under vac. Do you guys think I screwed up? Should I not have used 120f? It goes through intervals where all the bubbles disappear and it stops reacting, then after a little while it will start reacting again.

And I’m going to be honest, my dab is always super strong but tastes like shit imo. The flower that the trim comes from is always great though so that leads me to think that it’s not the material but because I’m using retail cans of tane. I have some fresh trim that’s 2.5 weeks old so I’m going to do qwet with that stuff and see if that fixes the flavor.

that might be user error at point of inhalation… a red hot nail makes everything taste like shit…

do you know of “cold start”?

the only way qwet will improve flavor is if the original terpene profile is not to your liking.


Come on bro. I only do cold starts.

I’m at a loss. I’ll see how the newer trim turns out and if it still sucks idk.

explain to the class why I should assume you had that part down.

you’re open blasting, you walked in the door refering to extracting with ethanol as “winterizing while skipping the butane”. you took your last batch of material up to almost 50C on purge after being pointed at multiple threads where folks suggest 30C.

I offered it as a possible explanation. If you want to see it as an insult, be my guest, but that was not how it was offered.

it might be exactly what the NEXT person reading through this thread needs to set them on the right track.

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Ah na man I didn’t take it as an insult. I was just saying.

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I started at 90f and it seemed like it wouldn’t budge after days. That’s the only reason I took it that hot.

And technically I walked through the door asking how to make diamonds some time last year.

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Yeah dont do that, get it purged asap, a coldtrap setup befor your vacuum pump will help keep everything safe


Ok, I had 4 cans of tane left. This was with my most recent trim that’s approx 2.5 weeks old. NO extra milling at all. I do this thing where I shake the tub a bit to settle all the small stuff at the bottom and scoop off the stuff on top and blast the bottom material first. Right away I notice it smells way better than usual and it’s also nowhere near as dark as usual. I’m letting it sit at 30c for a bit before I hit it with vac. There was also a lot less fat floating around in it than usual. I’ll keep you updated. I still have probably 3-4 more tubes worth of trim but I was out of tane.


It’s looking much better. This is a little under 24 hours later. Still a long ways to go until it’s done purging but I’m optimistic.


This is right before the first flip. 24 hours of purging left. It’s looking damn good though. From it’s appearance here I don’t even see a need to winterize it. That was the whole point of this post, albeit worded incorrectly, because all my dab was coming out super waxy. I wish I would have known the “don’t mill it, it’s milled enough” so much dab wasted over the years.

Appreciate all the help and advice.