I’m trying my best to explain it, but you’re choosing to call me a liar.
We don’t know what these substances are other than what is reported in the COA, which is nothing. I’ve asked, we’ve asked, we don’t know.
Good luck with whatever you do with your time. I respect your desire to protect unsuspecting consumers and my company does a lot of education and reveals the truth about materials to a lot of people. I have no power in preventing people from selling stuff. People are choosing to sell, buy, and use these materials. Its everyone’s responsibility to own the choices they make, but we don’t sell material.
interesting respnes - i guess we will see how this one plays out. i might beleive you if i you didnt conspire to control the hhc market with the same group of players and buy doing so let unverified and untested material saturate the market.
Unpopular opinion: can’t protect everyone from everything. At some point the consumer is ultimately responsible for what they put in their bodies and doing some research to figure this out.
no but this is a little differnet because you have past history with these players that created a monopoly on hhc beneifited you financially and involved the same people so you dont see how that looks suspucious ?
you are not liable for anything you absolutly correct
yes i agree 100% but that requires transparency on what the compound is. It first needs to be correctly identified and not shrouded in mystery for a consenting adult to be able to make an informed desicion if they want to consume it or not and this is exactly the point im getting at and why its a very serious issue here when this is being advertised and sold under the guise of a hemp/cannabis extract
they say its a newly discovered compound from the hemp plant - well lets see the research that led them to make this claim for starters
its one thing to make a synthetic compound that is bio identical to what the plant producess but this isnt whats going on here. These people know what they are making and putting in the product and flat out refuse to tell anyone what is it and that isnt fair in any way to a consenting adult making the descion to consume it especially when its being advertise as hemp
this is strictly for profit and being done to avoid any kinda of detection in countries with draconion thc laws where people want to get get high
you are safer buying analouges on the dark web then you are consuming this unidentified mystery soup
People see all the lobying and pressence in other counties and because of that they put there trust in @Bret_HoneyGold to be doing the right thing soley bassed on advertising and social media and media presence so they do have the resposibilty as a compony to disclose what this stuff is not only for the consumers but in the name of fair and honest trade of international commerce as well
This is a rather interesting discussion.
Feel for you here @kcalabs .
Some additional thoughts:
The lack of availability in traditional markets indicates to me this is junk. The value in foreign markets is seemingly the legality, not the safety, purity, or potency.
A product like this makes very little sense to market in areas with legal access to better substances. I don’t think they are “hiding” this per say. This is just what they are able to supply in certain foreign markets (which often exist as a grey area themselves). I wouldn’t consume this shit, but it’s purpose is to serve as a legal cannabinoid high in these domains, not unlike spice in the US for many years. I suspect it somewhat fits the bill there, despite whatever concerns we may reasonably have regarding safety. Ultimately the hazards of consumption of these questionable substances lay on the consumer…
Speaking of the suspected legality or lack therfore…don’t we actually have to identify it first? My hunch is its some poorly remediated cannabinoid derivative (from hemp) with a unique, nonclassical structure to avoid analogue issues in certain jurisdictions, or alternatively just an isomer soup. Others seem to think it’s some purely synthetic crap cut with something else. What i do trust is KCAs panels showing ND everything…we know what’s not in it. It seems like a moot point to continue the legal argument here, priority #1 if anyone actually cares about this topic should be further identification and testing.
In regard to potential activity…ime once you start heavily deviating from the parent compounds (specifically for the purpose of evading legal conundrums) the idea it’s going to suddenly fit into the receptor better is laughable. This is likely like late stage RC cannabinoid synthetics with very poor affinity/selectivity if im correct. Which kind of lines up with what rogue was saying (albiet in a different way)…lets see.
people in japan are being led to belive this is a hemp derivative found naturally in the hemp plant. no way @kcalabs doesnt know anything about this. Its impossable they “just dont know” They have the resources to identify this but they choose to “just dont know”
The absolute worst thing aboiut this is that its being claimed as some new “discovery” in hemp/cannabis with absoultly zero credability to that claim because if that was true then this wouldnt be shrouded in the secrecy that it is and that
“new discovery” would be all over social media and hemp platforms in the US as well
This stuff isnt hemp or cannabis or anything theraputic like the claims being made. These claims are being falsly made and material labled that way to intentionaly defraud and get around international custom laws and drug policy and that a pretty big fucking deal. That is a direct violation of internatal trade agreements
You’re saying that because their COAs are recognized as valid by the Govt of Japan, they know what makes up every single product sold in Japan? Why don’t you look at what brands are selling CB9 in Japan, look up their COAs, and talk to those labs?
But yeah this is probably not a good product to consume (same as any conversion soup).
no but they have a moral and ethical obligation to identify some new mystery synthetic because they have the spproval from japan and people trust that.
Look what they are claiming. There is no possible way any of that is true. There is no researech to back one bit of that up.
How are they correctly importing it if it cant even be identified? Whats the health and saftey code they are using to import some unidentified compound into Europe and Japan ? LMFAO
If you want to do sketchy shit and sell research chemicals go ahead thats your choice. But dont do it under the guise of hemp and cannabis. This is what @Bret_HoneyGold lobbying efforts are all about so he can do sketchy shit like this for profit after pushing the legislation through. Go fiqure out another way to sell your shitty drugs. Wonder what a KG of this stuff goes for in Japan? Im guessing north of 50k easily especially if its the hot new thing that was able to skirt around Japans strict legislation and get people high.
My point is that on their website they state that their products are tested by “KCA and/OR other labs”. Is their C9 tested by KCA?
I also haven’t followed hemp cannabinoids deeply in over a year so maybe I have some presumptions that are incorrect. But what I remember is the ole pitch of “KCA tests our products, we’re super legit!” - when in reality KCA only tests their CBD distillate but their D8/etc is tested by…let’s just say other labs.
this is fraud and a violation of international trade laws and defrauding the government/customs of japan and using the legitimacy of KCA to sell this stuff in a country that is extremely regulated.
this is predatory and fraudulent behavior to deceive and make money on people that have no other choice who want to get high on what they believe is a safe product to consume and hemp derived
thats whats going on here and why this needs to be addressd