Examples of Why a Civil Forum is a Good Idea

I haven’t been a member of the forum for long enough to have much of a say so in anything… so I won’t. What I will say is when I first joined back in July I was really excited and grateful to have found a spot for good intelligent conversation with experienced people. It seems that things really went downhill since then. I was more than a bit surprised at some of the participants involved with the chit slinging and definitely downgraded my level of respect for them… it is a shame that management didn’t downgrade the level access also. Still huge amounts of information can be found, maybe you guys will find a way to TOS the riff raff bullchit


Maybe change the mantra from “level up together” to “level up privately in the dm’s under ndanca”… It is a great platform & there is is a ton of good info here and great people but damn…


That’s the mantra of the GLG. Not the forum. Although I know of a couple hundred people at least that have leveled up via the community here, for free


That makes more sense I suppose.

If you wanna do the opposite, where it’s publicly commentable but stricter standards I’ll be a janitor

Meaning the class restricted section

Maybe a whitelist of approved submitters and everyone else pending moderation based off guidelines?

I’m just imagening a scenario where the answer to a problem lies with someone outside the select few

We already operate a community moderated forum. That’s what the flags are for

And the community already elected janitors within itself to handle flags


" in order to think, you have to risk being offensive "
Jordan b Peterson

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Just start charging people to use the private forums so you can sensor it how you like

It’s free and we censor it how we like, which is basically nil.

Are you suggesting we should censor more?


I honestly think the forum is fine. Unless you are new to the internet you just learn to read through the bs quickly and focus on the gems which they are lots of around here.


I think this might be the first time a huge number of members here are interacting with an Internet community outside of the safe space modern social media platforms have become


As much as I wanna hate and say people are exploiting the system I more than understand why it goes down in the DM.

A comment with a case study could be there proving something wrong and the majority will like the latter cause who said it. Not to mention the amount of people who answer the forum not with relevant case studies but the first thing they google. If you havnt operated the machinery you are recommending or extensively studied what your preaching just don’t :man_shrugging::v:.


I feel people keep getting slightly offended at others wanting the forum to change and grow…

There’s been a large increase in nonsensical banter and bs and I think just a higher consequence for shitposters would do wonders…

I still want to grow and learn from this forum but its discouraging most good convo goes down in the dm AND when there’s a topic here its watered down by 20 shitposts from people who don’t actually work constructivly in cannabis and people shutting down correct information because the person who said it isnt popular enough …


Nobody is offended. We’ve been around and around on this. People want censorship that matches their own personal ideals, no more, no less, thus impossible to please everyone.

A fully policed forum with paid moderators costs money, which means advertisement, which we won’t be doing.


The concept of Civility is extremely subjective.

Stay feral.


Wildcard! I’m a regular now lol, woot!.

If things are ever quiet on the forums, you know somethings being made. Something you’ve always suspected, but couldn’t ever prove…

It’s just happens that something is a group DM about antique toasters. And you’ve all been missing out. :frowning:


Edit: I know it’s off topic, but I thoroughly enjoyed this video. Sorry all.


I’m in favor of stricter trolling penalties…for hopefully obvious reasons…people who are here to hate will never appreciate what this place is all about…they end up obstructing the flow of knowledge amongst the community. It has a detrimental impact on the level of engagement from members with higher educations/experience levels. Consequently we are ALL neglected of vital insight into some of our most important research since the

turns people off.

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clearly identify who the trolls are and are the very embodiment of the type of energy that should permanently silenced after 3 strikes…like wtf does this contribute to the forum?


A funny video because I am educationally-challenged