Evil THC Crude being imported from across the border

Those commenters are just some cranky assholes. I bet even 30% of Fox News viewers are probably pro legalization. Not just the libertarian types you mentioned, but even if you’re a religious conservative, there isn’t really any reason to treat marijuana any differently than alcohol. Even in the most conservative of bible belt areas, lots of people are smoking weed, and defying the harshest laws in the US to do so. And it’s kind of hard to persuade people not to at least try it when just by going to a different state they can go to any store and get it.


I’d argue that it’s more than 30%. Fox took alot of viewership market share the past three years.


They end up looking like crazy dare educators
Completely criminal and negligent


Maybe we could make a misinformation dump and give another award out at the end of the year . An “Award of Astounding Non-Excellence for Dissemination of Falsehoods”.
or something like that.

I’d love to poke back. Especially as a group
And collective Movement.

I’m Mostly joking:)


Who’s got the plug in this mexican death crude tho?


New strain name “Mexican death”. Sounds like the best and worst regos you ever had.

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