Evil THC Crude being imported from across the border

So police are on to some evil THC crude that readily destroys lives


I actually made a Fox News account (cringe) just to comment on that. I knew it wouldn’t be long before we were all just a bunch of hippies mixing up toilet bowl cleaner and anthrax in the bath tub…of course with all the issues at the border they were like “Fuck it let’s make it Mexicans too- 2 birds, one stone”

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What a a poorly written article. You know it’s bad when half the commenters on Fox are calling it out.


“Hey Bill! Call over to the gazette and tell them the Mexicans are mixin up weed hooch again, and then filling vape things! My uncle Rob is losing millions a week to these vape bastards and now his pharma shares are dropping!”


I like the line about how no legal vape is above 30% THC. Wtf


I can’t believe they can actually post this stuff. It’s just so blatantly false I don’t understand.

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“80% THC Crude”

That’s fire crude, haha.

This lady needs some drug education.


I just lost 10-20 IQ points. Thanks for sharing


The stupidity in this article made my head hurt !!!

I mean, it is Fox News we are talking about.

Those comments tho…

I always found it funny that people always assume cannabis/drug users are always liberal. A large portion of the guys I know who work with and use cannabis are either centrists or less conservative Republicans. Small government, fiscal conservatism, gun rights…but also believe people should be able to consume drugs and have abortions.

This “you’re either right or left” thing is obnoxious


Things wont be changing anytime soon.

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I wish you weren’t right


I agree. The us vs them attitude in politics is not allowing us to get anything meaningful accomplished.

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This is the reason its implemented. Divide and conquer.


“Detectives said making the crude oil is dangerous. Marijuana leaves are washed with harmful chemicals like propane or butane, which extracts the high inducing THC. It’s then mixed with ethanol and distilled several times to make it more translucent, ready for vaping.”
My God, they don’t know what they are talking about but think they are in a position to educate the public? Gross


Has the news ever been in a position to educate the public?

I can only hope so…

No, I dont believe so. At least if we’re talking about “News” in the context of television.

I dont believe public interest has ever been represented by news outlets, its always been about disinforming the public in a way thats beneficial to the governmantal power structure.


In 2016 the fear of choice was clowns. :clown_face:. And those spice joints. This is only going to get more absurd.

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