Just a quick question…probably alot of you are doing something similiar.
Just thought if i could make a good terpy/shatter product from ethanol would this be a good route:
-40C etoh extraction
evap in roto at 38C
Pour out once done into 8:1 oil to pentane
CRC or light filter
Roto again than oven
My thoughts are would this make a superior terpy product compared to just etoh? Would this avoid the azeotropic bond of etoh and preserve all my terpenes? Cheers
I know people running a method like this and getting fantastic results. Except using methanol and then LLE into pentane once mostly evaporated (rather than completely evaporated).
Dewar in acetone
Distill solvent cold 80%
Pass treu dried epsom salt
Add pentane boil of azeotrope pentane/acetone at 32C
Have it all in pentane
Pass treu bentonite evap pentane till 5%
Will -40 etoh to evap to pentane than evap produce a terpy shatter the same as butane? This may be an easier route for people as alot of guys already has centrifuges or pandas and they can just run a super cold etoh > evap > pentane 8:1 > evap and oven for etoh/pentane slabs
No I don’t think so. You’re still removing ethanol on the rotovap at 38C under reduced pressure. There are azeotropes between mono terps and ethanol, such that the mono terps will boil with ethanol during your rotovap step.