Ethanol saturation tool

That would depend on the cannabinoid
being extracted, as well as the concentration. What you notice when reaching max saturation is a curve or plateau.

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Yep, that’s going to vary by Cannabinoid (and can even vary from strain-to-strain!).

On a side note, as a data point, our intensity values are scaled to values that lie between 1-100,000.


I actually just ordered my fraction finder ultra and am as giddy as a schoolgirl waiting to get it fitted to my equipment. It looks like an extremely valuable tool and something that is going to up my game in multiple stages of my process.

Really interested to see how it adapts to ethanol extraction as well as distillation. I do some chromatography work every once and a while so that should be fun to play around with as well.


i have one it just shows you what fraction you in. i think he means how much solute can you dissolve in ethanol before it becomes saturated. the delta cup for instance says to run 3 bags per keg, but neglects to tell you that the biomass potency matters here. if you are running at -40 how much thc can you fit in 50 l of ethanol? if you are running hemp with a 3% return you can definitely run more bags then thc as long as you can maintain temps so you don’t get fats

do you mean how much solute can you fit in ethanol before it stops extracting at a specific temp?

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