Item Model/Manufacturer: Custom Stainless and Sundyne Pumps with SS Tanks and Valves
Description: Peer-reviewed process plumbing and pumping system to hook up to a cup-30 or equivalent ethanol centriguge. In this system with a cup 30, one operator was running over 500lbs in an 8 hour shift without really breaking a sweat. There are VFD’s controlling the pumps with explosion-proof switches. All valves are ISO and can be actuated for controls. All valves and components are rated to -40C or lower. All the tanks are jacketed and hold and chill the ethanol. See pictures. Let us know if you have any questions. Also, have a 30L and 60L jacketed SS reactors and 2 Hal 170 C1D1 booths and 2 Hal 55 C1D2 booths. All equipment is C1D1/explosion proof. Will include Peer reviewed report and will include. I can link up and help with any design and connect with the fire and mechanical PEs used. Going out of business and just seeing if there is any interest here. Reach out with questions.
Price/MSRP: $Best offer over $150k in the process plumbing, pumps, tanks and engineering
Current location of item: Northern Nevada
Estimated lead time: ready to go