Ethanol Crude Winterization

Hello guys, I need your opinion. I winterized etoh crude in dry ice for 2 days and now I have …(see pic below)
What do you think happened?

Could you show a couple angles? How was the crude extracted? How was it winterized? Has it been filtered ? Is the crude or is it still dissolved in ethanol?

Below -50c extraction, then filtered through bentonit and AC, distilled to aprox 10:1 ratio and put on dry ice for two days. And yea still dissolved. Extraction was done with iso, not etoh. When i put it on dry ice, i added aprox 50 ml of water.
I ussualy winterize only in freezer on -40c, so this is first time for me with dry ice.

I was wrong. Was about 5:1 ratio :grin:

What did you add water to? 99% isopropanol?
Water makes that peanut butter color, happened to me one time from using low proof. I’ve read 91% IPA may be better for winterizing than 99% IPA, but should still be less effective than 190 proof ethanol.

I added water to iso before putting everything on dry ice. I also read about 190 proof is better for winterization so wanted to try it with iso+water. I will upload the video that you can see the viscosity.

Looks like I don’t know how to upload the video. Here is the screenshot

If it has too much water then redissolve in pure isopropyl and roto, the iso/water azeotrope is 91% So, every 91ml you put in of 100% iso should evaporate with 9ml of water until no iso is left when roto’d.

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Thx for that. I have sent extract to residual testing and got back the results of 100k ppm of iso in the extract (crude, not distilled), which was mindblowing. So I still have some post processing work to do.

Yeah, cook it longer, pull down the vac and turn up the heat, I crank mine to 95 and get a little decarb going too, before I take it off.

I’m still waiting on decarb level results to come back but yea I will have to cook it longer. Thx