Equipment questions

Portland, or

Guess you being in the same state was an assumption :thinking:

Way down south brotha! Near yosemite!

Damn, beautiful area though :slight_smile:

I’ll pm you a glassblower in the bay area of CA , they do amazing surgeries on glassware!

Thanks! Might involve a little shipping but that’s better than crappy work…

Does anyone have any info/recommendation on commercial refrigerators for live storage? My friend who processes has a vertical stand up fridge he doesn’t care much for, recommended a chest style fridge but that seems easier to bury and forget product, not as easy to access and maneuver… Anyone used both or either with an opinion on the matter…?


Are you looking for a fridge? or somewhere to freeze fresh (“live”) biomass?

A standard household freezer is generally not considered cold enough for that trick.

We will have chest freezer rated for -80 for biomass, wondering about refrigerators for storing our packaged live

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upright seems like a better approach there.

the drawers they sell for cryo-freezers might come in handy too.

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Appreciate you, sir. Thank you.