Equipment from my Chinese overlords trying to burn down my building.. once again!

Hey guys, it has been a minute since I’ve been online due to being swamped with work and a family emergency.

I wanted to hop on really quick and show you all the wonderful shit show from the cheap Chinese bullshit equipment that we run in my grow.

We had a grow tech run out of the room yelling there was smoke and it smelled like burnt plastic.

Never. I mean NEVER use anything from AEssence. Their equipment is absolutely shit and causes so many problems. It also doesn’t help that their sales team is full of snakey bastards that will tell the biggest lies to any potential customers to just get a sale.

Their software is alright, but their equipment is the biggest joke of anything I have ever seen. If you are ever considering it, please don’t. Save money and use something else. The equipment in my facility has fatal failures 2-3 times a day. And it’s not only my facility that runs these and has problems like that, it’s just about every other facility these clowns have got their equipment in.


Fatal failures?

Jesus christ how many people have died?!


Fatal failures as in fatal to the plants.

Also, just heard from them that they have known about this issue that caused this “for a couple of years”. This is a safety issue, and ignoring it for a couple of years is so fucked up.


Wow Bro, couldn’t see the video, so what was it? Lights, or that aero system?