Entertainment for some, unpaid mod work for others

Enjoy your contempaoraries


he musta flagged the shit outta ya but thats the reason you have alts though… :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

have to imagine thats an auto silence

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Both him and lightweight msgd me here and on FB.
Wb thinks I’m partnered with some gas company apparently
Underweight claims he’s gonna start a business and take me out


so many feelings in that message

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The fuge bags are a pretty creative way to sell the rosin bags imo. They come with extra stitching to work better for our application. I don’t see how someone can be mad at that. And the sell out part? I’m still independent and work for myself and my companies


I was gonna make this my new profile pic but it wouldn’t even come close to fitting

Its just spam man, is what it is. You complain a lot, you might have valid complaints but the way you go about them makes a big mess and takes man hours to fix. It’s annoying. You could have handled things differently and had much better results. Stop spamming.

For example, “nobody needs to shoot you with anything besides insulin so you can feel your feet again i can have a little fistfight with a round little puddle of shit without needing to be armed”
does not belong in the regular forum, it is on the lowest tier of the triangle and the info is not helpful especially considering we have a dedicated thread for what I think is your issue. I hope you see where I’m coming from. We let a lot slide but at some point off topic is off topic. Hint, start your own topic in the proper category then it cant go off topic lol. If you wanna talk shit go back to IG or if you really cant help yourself you got the Echo Chamber.

For the record, It was an automated silence due to a large number of flags across multiple high ranked accounts, so the issue isn’t with me but you against the community in how you conduct yourself.

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Silence people like Elliot and me and let abusers roam free

It’s your site not mine. You are the one that lets their behavior fly with no repercussions. I was merely bringing it to your attention and now that you noticed it you gave them your seal of approval to continue.

Proud of you