Enabled anonymous posting

What is dis

:joy: that was funny

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I was just trolling that mod guy


Nah just lvl 3 and 4. I am neither, and an admin, and don’t qualify for anon mode.

Users at trust level 3 can…

Recategorize and rename topics
Access a secure category only visible to users at trust level 3 and higher
Have all their links followed (we remove automatic nofollow)
TL3 spam flags cast on TL0 user posts immediately hide the post
TL3 flags cast on TL0 user posts in sufficient diversity will auto-silence the user and hide all their posts
Make their own posts wiki (that is, editable by any TL1+ users)
Daily like limit increased by 2×
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You have 7 flags against you, all for off topic, all Ignored/rejected.


Is there a way to see this page for yourself to see where you’re falling short?


That would be super useful not only to see where you come short on your regular status but also a warning of sorts if you non-rejected/ignored flags against you. Maybe if people knew they are on the brink on losing status for flags…they would behave more appropriately.

Regular status here is really hard to achieve and i can now see how people are upset when they lose their status…


I lf I would have known the level of my personal trust for other users granted them powers, I would have been exercising this more regularly! Is there a page I can see what powers I grant when someone gets to “Akoyeh Trust Level 4”? Haha

Anonymous mode? Is Steve coming back?


Discourse calls it Penalty History. I will check later if I can make this transparent.


Specifically, you can not see your own progress, this is a form of spam protection

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Is there a way for people to check aside from asking a mod that is less time intensive for them? Not trying to make more work for mods (even though I don’t think too many of us need/want to know that bad).

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From what I’ve read on the discourse forum, no.

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Can you tell me what level I’m at or even if I have a level? How does one even go about checking that?

Edit: I think I found it. This goes to show you how much I care what I do on this site and how it reflects on me.

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You’re a member. I would assume lvl 2, unless we have a level 0.

Yeah I just explored that part of this whole thing. I swear I’m not a noob, and I really know things.

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I may be a wizard on a computer, but in a lab I’m wook on the first week status.


Yes, there is a level zero. I’m guessing the link a few posts up was missed. Haha. Here it is again.


Member = 2 got it. Either way I was correct strange.

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Dude fuck a computer I really would much rather be hands on extracting and making concentrates, but here I am becoming the Lab and shit. Analytical chemistry is not where I thought I would end up but having the title of Chemist II isn’t too bad for only having a BS in Chemistry.