Well, the two main concepts would be “electrical circuit” and the “ohm’s law”(I=U/R and every possible combination of those). From my experience (almost) everything else is just variation of these subjects.
Also we use different types of electrical current according to how it behaves troughout time.
So the components of the law are;
U: Electromotive force aka voltage [Volts] , which exists everywhere where is difference in electric potential (on the same circuit), which is the build-up of electric particles and their electrostatic ( Coulomb ) force.
Pressure is good analouge in water plumbing.
I: Electric current [Ampere] , defined as amount of electrons or charged particles passing trough a wire or anything, per second.
Water flow or water current would here do, so an Ampere meter on your multimeter is nice analogue to water consuption meter on your house.
R: Resistance [Ohm] , this is best pictured as a “friction” to the flow (I), but only as the concept, not as the principle. This can have a lot of different scenarios as every component in electic circuit has it, it is also designed as the “load”, which can be heater or led panel or motor or speaker… In the case of alternating current (AC) , if the load is inductive or capacitive ( spoiler it almost always is even by " parasitic" amount) this becomes inductive resistance and capacitive resistance, togedther called Impedance (Z)[Ohms].
The most basic example is the simplest circuit, and we can use it to break down the ohms law.
Battery that is connected via conducting wires to the light bulb.
Lets reckognize some of the components of this circuit:
-Battery ( Let’s say this one is 12Volts like the car ones. That will be a source of constant current or “DC” or “⎓”, cuz it wont change troughout time)
-Light bulb ( I think this one is the black body radiation spectrum and how emited light is changing in relation to body’s temperature, so here the el. current actualy heats up the bulbs internal wolfram wire to high temp due to wire’s high resistance and this “friction” becomes heat loss, calculated as Power=Current^2*Resistance. The concequence of this is light radiation of black (wolfram) body. Lets say our bulb has resistance of 100 Ohms.
They should have as low resistance as possible so they dont produce those heat losses from above, and deliver all the powa to our “load” in this case the bulb.
To calculate the current flowing trough our circuit we use the law I=U( 12 Volts from our battery ) \ R( 100 Ohms from our bulb) and we get 0.12A or 120mA. Now as this is DC if you were to touch this circuit nothing would happen. BUT if this 120mA were AC, from you outlet maybe, you’d have nice 85% chance to end up dead…
Power in Watts[W] can be calculated as VoltageCurrent, or Voltage^2/Resistance or Current^2Resistance.
If you were to measure this circuit with your multimeter, you could do next things:
-DC Voltage measure on battery, black on black red on red to get 12ish volts.
-DC Current measure, for this you need to replace one of the wires with your multimeter so that the current flows trough it, to get 120mA.
-Resistance measure on the bulb, make sure there is no current when measuring resistance, connect the two probes from multimeter to two ends of the bulb to get 100 Ohm.
Be aware of the multimeter maximum values rating!!!
Take note that multimeter has more ranges for single unit and not all connections on multimeter can measure all units.
If you measure AC units on DC setting you can fry your multimeter, vice versa you can get AC component of DC unit.
Take care, don’t mess with high voltage or outlet voltage as any AC voltage over 50Volts is high risk. US outlets are 110V and others are 230V.