EHO Color Remediation

That’s actually not a bad thought. Sounds logical, but you’d need to keepthe lid off. Vacuuming through coarse filtration I do with a handheld pump and because of the co2 I had to constantly keep pumping you keep vacuum and flow. Got a real hand workout today.

Getting up and shaking my solution regularly is somewhat irksome lol

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If you add a prv to your system you can control the pressure created by the dry ice evaporating and if you add a dump valve right above the collection chamber you can add more dry ice whenever you think you need more agitation.

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I definitely think some ac is going to be necessary here, but I was asked to try without it and show the results. I haven’t been able to keep it at cryo temps, but I’ve been shaking vigorously every 5-15 min for 9hrs while maintaining a temperature of around -18°C and the hue of green has changed, but it’s hard to tell. It took me nearly 2 hours to get the mixture back to -18°C in my home chest freezer.

I expect what I’ll see is when I run this over a cake of t-5 it’ll come out crystal clear and a unique shade of green. Then once I add .4g of carbon and mix vigorously and refilter over that same bentonite cake I expect instead of the usual orange or red solution I’ll get the pale yellow.

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This is after coarse filtration at 25u, winterization, filtration at 9nm, and 24hrs of agitation at -18°C in intervals of 5-15 min, with a 7hr rest period in the middle, with 20% t-5 to projected oil content in solution and then filtered over a 1/4" bed of t-5 sandwiched between 25u filter paper.

This is after the addition of 1% activated carbon to projected oil content in solution, agitated while still below 0°C for 10 min, then filtered over the previously mentioned bed until all media and solution had passed through the cake or been deposited onto the cake, which was still too green to my liking, so the entire solution was run over the filter bed of t-5 covered by a t-5 and carbon layer above the top filter paper.

Still unhappy with the results I added another 1% carbon directly onto the filter cake and ran the product again, and viola!

So for this particular experiment the desired result was achieved by using 20-30% t-5 to oil and 2% activated carbon to oil. The entire process was completed in cold conditions, but definitely not cryo as filtration progressed.

That looks 10x beter then that dark green stuff.

I would stir in a bit of ac, make a new celite bed with some t5 on top. And run it through again

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I’m actually about halfway through recovery rn. For this first experiment my goal was to achieve at least a pale yellow extract and I feel I achieved that.

For my next experiment I will try cake filtration only, but at least 2 passes over the cake, and potentially a third pass to try and achieve a clear ethanol extract. If the color isn’t coming out I’ll try adding a layer of magnesol and running it again on a clean filter bed.

The filter medias used appeared to be far more effective as a depth filter than used as a scrub, not to mention way more time efficient.

Stupid distiller ramped up to 145°C at the very end and I think I burnt my extract :angry::angry::angry:

Vaccing went very fast. Maybe 20 minutes tops at around 80°F. Probably more like 10. I’m gathering it into a single small weighable block rn. I’m super upset with myself for letting it get so hot and so dark. Live and learn.

Taste is a little on the grassy side, but real smooth. Not much for terps to speak of this point. Not so sure this will be light enough for carts :disappointed:

Put it back in vac rn just to see and more is purging out now. Final yield on this run was 18g from 400g. Just under 5%

Took about half a gram and added 1 drop of Strawnana from Floraplex… Delicious.



Yeah, i think you need better control on your equipment, ie a real vac oven with or without heated shelves. Keeps temp steady. People have mentioned that due to alcohol not being a hydro carbon the filtering medias won’t effect it in the same way, thus leading to a darker looking crude (which is essentially what you are working with). I would hazard a guess that until we find the magic etho formula you might have to incorporate spd into your equation to get out the unwanted products that still remain. Hyperbole on my part, but this is what I’ve gleaned so far.

I think these filtration medeas might work great immediately after winterization process.
Coagulate fats
Filter through bed of celite
While still cold
Filter again through bed of celite with layers of powders.
Repeat until disired color.
That is just my theory. Hope someone gives it a go. I wish i could but im not set up for anything but bho.

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The only lose would be from undesirable stuff

Because only the undesirables caramelize like that? I believe you, just want to be sure i understand the why.

Youd might be able to remediate some color with bleaching clay, maybe worth the try… But I have my doubts

T41 and t5 and b80 are all bleaching clays.
T41 is t5 that has a lower ph and is blended with ac.

Not sure what all is involved with b80 havent done the research yet

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I tried a t-41 scrub on some bho I winterized in ethanol and all I did was lose some cannabinoids and have the same color

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Did you scrub warm or cold

I went up to 35c but didn’t want go too hot

I tried B80 a couple days ago at room temp with etoh to no avail.

Idk why i have a feeling about cold working beter. Have no proof or logic behind it. And the entourage of layered powders. Just how i see it working. Might take multiple passes.

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So from what I know about ethanol, the cold temperature will freeze up the polar ends, as well as lower the solvency of the it.

I would think that those properties would increase the potential for the clay to work as it seems to be working quite well with a non-polar butane a-la butane remediation Tek.

I would be worried that the clay wouldn’t be as active at lower temperatures though. So it might require increased time and agitation over a simple filtration.

In bho im running-110f. Not saying to run that cold but cold enough to coagulate the fats.