Drying Methods

Do you have any more specifics on the dry in field method? We are looking at growing an acre and trying to figure out the best way to dry 5000 lbs of wet flower

Hang dry if u take to big dry facility it will end up brown and doo doo unless your going for violence mask then it probly doesnt matter.

Wtf autocorrected to “violent mask?”

Biomass almost works…


Samsung for u

Im interested to know if anyone is using modern flue curing barns. ( not hung like olddays, but packed in racks the way modern tobacco barns are used) My fam has been growing tobacco for over 300yrs, we got lots of of new and old style drying tech all over the farm. The new barns utilize ethylene injection during the “yellowing phase” which is probably not useful here. Here a link to the modern style of flue curing barns. https://ac.els-cdn.com/S1877705817350889/1-s2.0-S1877705817350889-main.pdf?_tid=dadfdccb-2963-4d37-bd7f-b8ca8d0b094d&acdnat=1547490676_bc12c07363af6e7f8fac2019cec060ca


Not going for violence or bio mass but for cbd


Would something like this belt dryer (https://www.guoxinmachine.cn/products/continuous-belt-dryer/2.html) work well to process cbd hemp quickly and efficiently?

Sure looks like it…

Might even be able to power it by burning hemp :thinking:


I had ppl dry for me with one this year. Great for blasting stuff no way on smokable

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Trussed greenhouses are typically empty that time of year. Gas heater / blower on one end, big exhaust fan on the other. Hang whole plants. Pack 'em in. Lots of air flow at first.

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Do you want a slower dry like I’ve read about marijuana?


slow dry if you are going for flower market
fast dry if you are going for extract market


If dealing with a relatively small amount of biomass (for extract, not smokable) could it work to immediately debud wet and dry on racks in something like a temp controlled and well ventilated shipping container? I have heard that drying with flower still on the stalks slows down the drying process considerably because the flower will still be sucking in moisture from the plant for 3 days.

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Ever seen calcium chloride blankets for shipping containers? Its like a Boveda pack thats the size of a dinner table.


Yes 100%

It slows it a shitload and then ur paying to dry sticks that you will throw away. But then you have to build racks but will pack a lot more useable material per sq ft then hanging will

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I’m in the desert southwest where humidity is nearly non existant… Do i need be worried about it drying too fast, or is that only a concern for smokable hemp? That is too say, can cbd % be lost from drying too quickly? Assuming temp is maintained at an ideal level.

You’re made! Smokeable only worry. What state are you in ?

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Does using a machine dryer cause decarb?

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