Don’t wanna blow myself up

I feel like if you have to ask stuff like OP’s question …your not ready.

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Is this “pop up canopy with walls” made of Nylon?


Go to your local blue/orange lowesdepot and buy a ground stake, pound it into the ground. Wire everything metal to it (need not be a big wire). Especially your extractor. If you turn the fence off, ground it to the stake as well. Don’t forget to remove the wire connected to the fence when you turn it back on lol

Edit: in keeping with what @CollectiveObjective asked, make sure to ground the tent frame too


do you use electric fence controllers?

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Not exactly sure. I’ll check and see!

The fence itself is grounded. I have a ground pole and it’s connected to the fence.

It’s just on a solar paneled box. It’s a small 40’ x 40’ goat/poultry fence. Not a huge elaborate set up.

It’s on a solar paneled box that’s grounded. It’s pretty easy to turn on and off!

Lolz, you’re probably right! I just can’t get myself to buy legal market dabs anymore so I don’t have a choice truthfully!

I’m about a month away from actually blasting. I’ll have more free time to study and get things set up once tax season is over!



Welcome to the future @calgaryshfurniture!


What’s your reason for avoiding legal market dabs?


Send me a private message if you have any questions concerning Safety. I’ll give out free safety advice all day. I’m the trap safety king.
And if I can’t answer it, my consultants can.


Legal market anything is insanely high priced, especially with taxes. I haven’t sampled much from the legal market, but legal flower has been very lack luster compared to traditional stuff around me. Sure, the concentrates are great, but not worth the price.


I know what you mean but its kind of like driving drunk. Uber is way cheaper than the cost of a DUI.
In this case hospital bills plus you might go to jail if you survive. I’ve been there but I wouldn’t go back.

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I worked in the “industry” as a retail manager for 2 years in a million dollar a month store.

I know there probably is some out there, but 99% of the companies I dealt with were unethical, didn’t honor the plant, and are about only the dollars and not patients. It’s all corporate cannabis, and I’ve learned I’m just not into corporate anything.

Add the fact that in my state nothing is really tested properly. It’s all pre-package so you can’t smell anything, the quality control is laughable. It’s just the worst of all industries, when it should be the best and about helping people.

Just my viewpoint!


Because I have one controlled by Alexa. Pretty d mn good - you have to try it. The future it is BigM