Do you vacuum down recovery pump before run?

Just picked up a new trs. Should I be vaccing down the whole system including the recovery pump prior to running? I was told to not vac passed the mol sieve

Everything should be under complete vacuum before using the system. Starting fresh. Empty tank, lines and equipment. All vacummed down as much as possible. If you have a micron (cheap one works well) guage, that is nice to know when you are at vac and roughly how low.


If possible valve off the recovery pump, in my experience the vacuum tends to mess up the gaskets in the pumps.


I only have one tank. Solvent tank is th recovery tank.

What’s the purpose of doing that?

Vacuuming your system?

I was also saying that when starting off fresh, everything should be under complete vacuum. All lines, mol sieve, everything. Then fill the solvent tank.

Oh ok. I thought you were saying vac down the tank also

As long as you have valves in the right places. But, why would you leave atmosphere in your system?

Just out of curiosity.

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That totally sounded like that, but I meant if it were empty.

I mean if your solvent is cold enough and you have the right hookups on the tank, yes you can, but that’s for removing nitro and you should have proper understanding of what you are doing


As long as you shut off the pump and close the valves while it’s recovering then it would have solvent in it correct?

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Yes then those lines should be fine. But if we are in reference to the other thread, those lines may have atmosphere in there. Especially with the compression of a recovery pump.

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If you valve it off when you’re running, you never gave a chance for atmosphere to enter your system. Your pumps simply sit with vapor pressure in them until you open them during the next dump.

I think we all agree with you that you should be starting off a fresh system under a full vac, but his question is does he vac his pumps during every “run” meaning multiple times a day, to which my answer is personally no its not necessary.


are you saying you use vacuum to pull nitro back out of your recovery tank?

Yes, I am.

Under the proper parameters


Reducing temps below the nominal vapor pressure of the solvent helps :sunglasses:

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Yes vac down everything