Do you remember your dreams?

What’s really fucking awesome is learning how to have lucid dreams.
If you’re not sure you know what that is Google “AM Coast to Coast, lucid dreams” and start listening to some of the old recordings of the broadcasts pertaining to it.


i never knew lucid dreams were the ability to control your dreams or yourself in your dreams… i thought everyone did that…seems like half of mine are like that…

i dont think i control the ones where i feel like im getting killed in them…like the reoccuring dream that im gonna die on a motorcycle…

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It’s fucking awesome isn’t it? It’s like having a super wild acid trip but one you are in control of.


i honestly thought everyone dreamed that way… never thought of it as special… i think even in school id dream the whole test scenarios out in my mind the night before…

i think its why i have problems sleeping before events… i get excited and play it out over and over in my sleep the night before… and wake up worn out.


You lucky bastard

I remember a dream every once in a great while…but it will fade quick

i guess its a gift and a curse… as the anxiety of living out scenrios over and over in your sleep can be tiresome…


Are you not able to control what happens in your dream while you’re dreaming?

sorta… but sometimes the dream just reoccurs over and over… its obviously on my mind… maybe im just playing out the worst case scenarios and hope its better when i wake… its not often but it happens…

i will say… this all didnt happen till i went legal… i couldnt sleep for shit when i was trapping thinking the door was gonna get kicked in any second… the last 7-8 years has been some of the craziest sleep ever…

In a lucid dream you are able to control what happens. For example I had acid trips before where I felt / imagined there are dark forces / demons trying to pull me into hell and it scared me to no end I was completely terrified on the other hand I had lucid dreams before where I was in hell and I enjoyed every minute of it because I was fighting and slaying demons and the devil the whole time and it felt awesome fighting evil and winning. And I could do that because I could control the dream I could control what I was doing in the dream.

i feel like i can control almost every dream but wonder about the ones where i die?? that happens a bit in my dreams…


I’ve had those too. But once you learn how to control the dream even those dreams can end up being awesome.

i dont think its negative… its just weird… like im ready to die…

Start listening to these old broadcasts from AM Coast to Coast while you’re at work just put them in the background and listen.

By the way if you never listened to AM Coast to Coast there’s a lot of interesting material that they discussed over the years


Regular user but not heavy (~5 dabs a night), my dreams are wild. I dream vividly in the early morning before waking up. I have a hard time for around 10 seconds figuring out what’s going on, then reminisce on the dream(s) for the next 30 minutes while I start my day.

Bits and pieces of the dreams will come to me later in on the day, completing the story and giving me more insight and closure into why my subconscious is behaving this way…

There are times when I go a few days w/o THC and my dreams don’t change in intensity whatsoever — I know this happens for others but for me personally this is not the case. Also, for what it’s worth, I haven’t had a true bad dream/nightmare since I was a very small child. My mom told me I used to have “night terrors” as a kid where I’d scream bloody murder for hours straight… super glad that I grew out of that.

Strangely I’ve never died in my dreams, sometimes they are headed that way but I always wake up just before it happens. Like falling dreams, I’ve never hit bottom just jumped awake. I wonder if it’s a natural reaction for me to snap myself out of it?


FWIW, your watch isn’t tracking REM. All it’s doing is using heart rate and, in some cases, body temperature, along with an algorithm, to attempt to infer your sleep states. I wouldn’t have confidence in the results without clinical or research studies backing their accurcy.

You need to monitor your brain waves to track REM (and other sleep states). Traditionally only available in a polysomnography (PSG; ‘sleep study’) lab employing electroencephalography using an electroencephalogram (EEG). There are at-home services where a technician will set you up with EEG and conduct an at-home sleep study. And then there are EEG headbands, both consumer grade and lab grade, which can track REM, among other sleep-related metrics and issues.

For a while, the Dreem and Dreem 2 headbands were available to consumers and were quite good. The headband is now Dreem 3 and only available for clinical and research studies, through their Dreem Lab, including for at-home PSG.

Here are some consumer EEG headbands:

There are some studies on their accuracy, like this one looking at their ability detect drowsiness:


I die in my dreams all the time, it’s not even uncomfortable anymore. Dying is fun and I think it’s that way because I’m a strong believer in reincarnation and that we never truly die. Your dreams are a perfect representation off your normal conscious state. It’s your pure consciousness unhindered by the rules of reality.

“Control” in dreams isn’t black and white. Everyone has control to a certain degree built in their nature but it can always be exercised and improved. You should question if you really do have full control and push that boundary further. The mind is incredibly powerful and any assumption of full control is an underestimation of it’s ability.

If you have any sort of control in your dreams I suggest you make a point to meditate. You’ll open doors in your mind you didn’t know existed. Having a good grasp of meditation in the waking life will strengthen the experience.


On a side note about the incredible power of the human mind, I feel intense drug experiences help understand it. Your entire perception of time, your physical state, and reality itself is known to be malleable by drugs. I’ve turned into a fucking bug off LSD. I’ve turned elderly and feeble, hardly able to walk. I’ve disconnected from my physical body entirely becoming pure consciousness. I’ve lived years in minutes. Ive experienced telepathy

Basically, our conscious mind is able to perceive and change it’s own state on an infinite scale (at least with drugs). I believe all this is possible to do intentionally and without drugs once you reach a certain level of mindfulness. Changing perception of time and physical reality, telepathy, and more. It’s even possible to leave your body completely, look up astral projection. Thats one I’ve yet to check off my bucket list.

I could go on and on about all this mystical shit lol. I’ll just sound crazy if I say any more :joy:


ive been on a tolerance break the last week, and because of that, my dreams have been ultra vivid. When im smoking a lot, that vividness defiantly gets diminished!

i always remember my dreams tho! always, i look to them for inspiration and guidance, and they haven’t let me astray yet.

been messing around with lucid dreaming for a while too, got the process down locked. I always lucid dream if I go back to sleep after waking up in the morning, its usually short 1-2 hour naps, but im the conductor of my dreams in such a state, and its pretty amazing.

one should never underestimate the power of dreams, especially as a designer, they can help you tackle technical challenges imo. throughout the years ive had great ideas come to me in my dreams.


Anyone ever fall asleep with a nicotine patch on? Shit will give you the most intense dreams you have ever experienced.