I can’t think of a better place to ask this question, than on Future4200.
I’m not trying to sell any, the question regards an email stating that USDA Compliant seeds are ready for sale, and still run 11-15% CBD resistant to everything, being an Otto 2 Stout cross.
From what I’ve read over the last few months this is doable but won’t really be stable for another year or more.
I"m sure a lot of people on here got the same email as well. I can list the name if its ok with @Future. Just don’t want to post it as an advertisement. But would like to know if these claims might be legit.
I know some of the best minds across all of the cannabis industry come here and would like to hear their input.
The comment period is designed to get feed back from the “final rule” they implemented. If they decided to take any of it all under consideration. Its not slated to take effect for another two years.
There’s a lot a lot of BS-ing that goes on around feminized hemp seed sales.
Generally speaking, it’d be a complete anomaly if anyone actually had a varietal that consistently achieved better than a 33:1 ratio of CBD:THC (total). In other words, there’s basically still nothing out there that hits above 10% CBD and is at or below 0.3% THC. Seed companies and mostly the resellers of seeds get away with making all kinds of claims, and most of the time they are dishonest or misleading.
The feds don’t certify hemp as of yet, they give states the authority to enact licensing/testing systems for hemp. Some states like Kentucky last time I checked only allowed growers to get seed or clones from state controlled nurseries. In my native NY I can grow whatever I want and it can be sourced from anywhere on earth so long as it tests under .3 delta 9 for the 2020 growing season.
There will probably be a federal testing/certification system put in place when final rules are issued 1-2 years from now. There is no way they will let some states do .3 delta and some limit to .3 total for longer than one more year.
THC content is greatly affected by environment. My T1 crop this year tested at .32 total thc and 16.25% CBD. Water is important, not letting the root zone dry out. I used weed fabric, no till, and drip line irrrigation. I also have a very good soil, high in humates, which help regulate water uptake in all plants. Point being, my same genetics would have likely flunked the new strict standards had the plants been grown under more stress. A lot of new hemp farmers come from a background of corn and beans, which require very little care. Till it, plant it, and forget it can work with those crops, but it is a recipe for getting a hot hemp crop if the weather turns hot and dry.
How does the practice of chemically induced mutagenesis, from the feminization process of cannabis seed, affect being “certified with USDA Organic standards”, I wonder?
205.204 Seeds and planting stock practice standard.
(a) The producer must use organically grown seeds, annual seedlings, and planting stock: Except, That,
(1) Nonorganically produced, untreated seeds and planting stock may be used to produce an organic crop when an equivalent organically produced variety is not commercially available: Except, That, organically produced seed must be used for the production of edible sprouts;
(2) Nonorganically produced seeds and planting stock that have been treated with a substance included on the National List of synthetic substances allowed for use in organic crop production may be used to produce an organic crop when an equivalent organically produced or untreated variety is not commercially available;
(3) Nonorganically produced annual seedlings may be used to produce an organic crop when a temporary variance has been granted in accordance with §205.290(a)(2);
(4) Nonorganically produced planting stock to be used to produce a perennial crop may be sold, labeled, or represented as organically produced only after the planting stock has been maintained under a system of organic management for a period of no less than 1 year; and
(5) Seeds, annual seedlings, and planting stock treated with prohibited substances may be used to produce an organic crop when the application of the materials is a requirement of Federal or State phytosanitary regulations.*
My state’s first draft of the hemp rules originally stated that all seed must be certified by AOSCA. It is not an organic certification, but rather more about seed stock purity. The huge problem was that aosca won’t certify feminized seed. Thankfully the rule was amended. I talked to aosca about their rationale for not certifying fem seed, and they really didn’t have one, other than not really knowing much about the topic.
I guess In the essence of Feminizing if you Had an “Organic Colloidal Silver” then you could Do organic Feminizations of genetic lineages to increase the femininity of the seedstock henceforth enabling for Organic Feminized Seedstock as long as everything sprayed on it or given to it as a nutrient supplement was certified. But there is an interesting grey area that we need to shine light upon in regards to Genetic Mutagenic Manipulation–you can have Organically grown GMO’s so as to say you fed and sprayed all organic nutrients throughout the life cycle of the Mutagenetically Modified Organisms. So the Label Organically grown label on food or products doesn’t mean anything unless it has a Non-GMO label to go along with it. Yes USDA Organic Certificate is good but the Oregon Tilth Certificate is an even tougher standard to get certified through. Just remember USDA Organic and TILTH Organic are good and
the label “Organically grown” is a way for corporate producers to sell you GMO garbage that can cause damage to the kidneys, liver and reproductive organs and even cause sterility henceforth helping them fulfill the agenda of populashen control.
Be smart Live by the Organic-Non GMO standard or learn the hard way-- 1in 3 people In America have cancer.
Wishing Health, Wealth and Prosperity to all who read this.
!Merry Christmas!
Hi guys, I am in the market for CBD and CBG Feminized seeds for a 10 Acre farm in Southern California. As far as CBG im most likely going with @seth with Oregon CBD. For CBD im looking into Liquid Mellow in Lodi, CA which claims to have USDA compliant feminized seeds. Liquid Mellows COA’s show 15% CBD with 2.8 Total THC.
To the best of my knowledge and research, there is not. I did get confirmation from our certifying agency that non-certified feminized seed is allowable with an appropriately documented seed search. That amounts to contacting 3 likely sources.
Edit: RIP, this is in reference to certified organic.
Yes that’s a typo. 0.28 Total THC and 15% Total CBD. Has anybody on this forum bought the CBD /CBG genetics from liquid mellow? Also talking to Hemp Depot in Colorado.