Do pH neutral adsorbents isomerise cananbanoids?


Ice got this Chinese supplier of different pH alumina among other things.

They have pH 4-4.5, 7, and 8.5-9

Was curious if throwing these in the boiling flask would take d9 to d8?

I read somewhere most things are acid activated in process. And that pH +/- will cause isomerisation. But curious if there’s some weird sweet spot with basic alumina or something?

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I find that the more fine the clay in flask , will create a better environment for isomerization of our cannabinoids. Iv thrown some chunkies of AA and before coa and after, no difference.

Acid + clay (catalyst in a way) plus lewis base metal, alcohol saving and inert conditions. = pretty darn good 9thc % Then hexane and run though column t41 magsil silica and carbon. remove then get yeller oil.

Alumina is great for column chromatography, Ethanol and water isocratic 75/25 CBD. 4min thc 9min


I’ve tested CC AA and its neutral which is why it doesnt cause isomerization in the flask ( I’ve tried this)

Depending on what acid your clay is activated with will determine what’s made

T5 will make d8 even under vacuum

If you’re just filtering with it you should be fine as long as you neutralize it.

I’m finding d8 is made anytime an absorbent is willing to give off a hydrogen.

This makes sense as to why carbon makes d8

Carbon donates a hydrogen then gets it back after the double bond shift.

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You think alumina column would work for CBD/CBDv separation? Or would C-18 column be better?

Longer the column the better . For seperation like cbdv/cbd that