DMC as a Solvent aka dcm

(short short story)Early 1980s ,in Southwestern Ohio. My first introduction to extraction. Young and dumb. Why DCM? It was known for decaffeinating coffee and still is i think. My older brother had some sketchy friends from way down south(America). I had a buddy that lived down in Big Stone Gap, TN, Rose Hill VA and grew his marijuana between the tobacco fields. We would go into Dayton,OH and buy several gallons of DCM. Then go down to the James River in Virginia and spend 2 days washing and extracting then cooking down the best hash oil that could be had at that time. Those good ole boys down in the hills thought the only thing better was their moonshine. The end result was pretty much like the BHO 30 years later. It turned his mediocre weed into gold. Kind of like now. Ah, the good old days.


DCM can be used to deprotonate the cannabinoid. Once cannabinoid is deprotonated you add a Lewis acid like boron tifluoride etherate and allow the reaction to proceed.


Precisely what I was referencing without letting the BF3 hint out. I would post shots of the sop that was given to me but believe the contract I signed for it is still valid so cannot share it in that way, but am glad to talk about in a teaching mannerism :wink:

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Go on Google scholar and you can find what you want in 15 seconds flat

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I know that, no doubt, was just stating why it was said in that manner from my comment(s) I’m open to discuss the sop, just can’t necessarily show it

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that cat is already out of the bag…


I’m well aware it is, meant as to in my comment, not as in it’s not on the interwebbings

I heard DCM is good for shroomy extraction too, so I checked into it a little. It’s pretty gnarly in terms of environmental impact. If you care about earth and shit, make sure you recover it.
Even then it looks pretty grim compared to ethanol…Or even propane IMHO


We should strive to condense any solvent we intend on turning into a vapor. They all have some environmental impact.


This is one thing that excites me to see kotk doing membrane solvent seperation, if we applied the same style system in;one with it that they use to purify solutions of all the impurities from the solvent I think we could go a long way with a few 55 gal drums (if all is removed accordingly & doesn’t effect the composition of the solvent)

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Most of the solvent gets lost to the biomass, its impossible to get it all out even with a screw press


Fair enough, but would it not be worth it to pull as much as possible from bio to recirculate or is it not a feasible solution for solvent recycle

Were thinking about trying to fully dry our biomass and sell it as cattle feed after (we use 200 proof ethanol)

I was thinking a giant heater (it would probably be a whole warehouse) with negative pressure to pull any ethanol that evaporates out of the biomass and push it through a condenser.

Haven’t really gotten any further in thought then that

I picture it being kinda like the trash composters that are in other countries (thats actually where I came up with the idea from)


They make these already, they’re caller “desolventizer-toasters”


Worm hole time!


Was gonna say wouldn’t one of the biomass hemp dryer be able to be applicator then plummed to recondese the solvent

There is inevitable loss associated with any production scale operation.

Most hydrocarbon labs are pulling socks out WET to avoid sticking to material columns.
Each run wastes 10lbs or so out of 50…

Ethanol and CO2 are lowest impact, but the extracts are typically flavorless / overprocessed IMHO.

I’d say solvent loss is inevitable. Pick a low impact solvent if you care about earth. It’s just weed, I think we should be chasing the lowest impact, highest quality products.

But naw, we chase that bag right?


Lowest loss I can achieve in cls is around 2-3 lbs per run

I was a dick to mother earth before I knew what I was doing, now I’m trying to be less of a dick.

Good on you sir. I was losing 5-10% per run. It just adds up damn quick when your cranking through tubes. Most big guys are blowing through these 100lb tanks even with decent recovery rates.

I accepted that ratio of loss for propane, I would not be comfortable letting that much DCM into the atmosphere.

Not a useful statement unless you also state the size of the run…

2lb per 5lb or 2lb per 700lb. Totally different.

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