Distillers, -80c chiller, centrifuge, 400L tank for sale Morgantown WV

Item Model/Manufacturer: Large digital Intelligent Temperature Control Magnetic Stirrer from Guangzhou Fan Bo Lun import and export trading co LTD
Description: operational distiller comes with accompanying glassware and secures, 110V
Price/MSRP: $500
Current location of item: Morgantown WV
Estimated lead time: Days
Fulfillment: Direct from seller, buyer will need to pick up in Morgantown or arrange for transportation
User support / Warranty: N/A

Item: Small Digital Intelligent Temperature Control Magnetic Stirrer from Guangzhou Fan Bo Lun import and export co LTD
Description: operational distiller with accompanying glassware and secures, will need some cleaning to be usable, 110V
Price: $300
Current location: Morgantown WV
Estimated lead time: days
Fulfillment: direct from seller, buyer will need to pick up in Morgantown or arrange transportation
User Support: N/A

Item: -80c chiller 300L from Guangzhou Fan Bo Lun import and export trade co LTD
Description: non-operational chiller requiring 3phase 480V power
Price: $19,000
Location: Morgantown WV
Estimated lead time: days
Fulfillment: direct from seller, buyer will need to pickup in Morgantown or arrange transportation
User Support: N/A

Item: 400L jacketed Tank
Description: operational 400L jacketed tank with heat exchanger coils
Price: $5,000
Location: Morgantown Wv
Estimated lead time: Days
Fulfillment: direct from seller, buyer will need to pick up or arrange transportation
User support: N/A

Item: Extractor with bags, chinese
Description: non-operational centrifuge with bags, 220V single Phase power
Price: $10,000
Location: Morgantown WV
Estimated lead time: days
Fulfillment: direct from seller, buyer will need to pickup or arrange transportation
User support: N/A

Item: vacuum controller
Description: operational vacuum controller for distiller, does not come with tubing, 110V
Price: $100
Location: Morgantown WV
Estimated lead time: days
Fulfillment: direct from seller, buyer will need to pick up or arrange transportation
User support: N/A

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Does your vacuum controller come with the sensor module?

No it does not.