Distilled Mother Liquor 800kg! $20 a kg...SOLD SOLD SOLD!

We have over 600 kg of mother liquor ready to go. Only $33 a kg. MOQ 100kg. Shoot us a DM for inquires and interest! Cheers Future fam.


What kind of solvents are in there

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@TRIPPIE All of it has been distilled so there is no solvents!

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What kind of solvents are used in your process? Today we have lots of conversions with catalysts and solvents that like to hang around. Seems like a good deal, a prospective buyer would likely want to hear more about how it was made. Thanks


@TRIPPIE Thank you for the heads up. We already are getting tons of inquiries for this. We are a cryo-ethanol extraction facility and toll tons of distillate to isolate so we usually have a surplus of mother liquor. We use denatured ethanol CDA12A for extraction and n-Heptane 99 for crystallization.



COAs? or are there too many to post, ie all these kgs are different

@nategeo I have a COA from a customer we regularly work with I prefer to DM for privacy reasons. Most of it is actually from that batch. I also have multiple COAs to show we are pretty much in the ballpark of being very similar for all of our ML. The pic I posted came from a barrel to show what it looks like. Typically, we turn over so much isolate and ML and have so many repeat customers that trust our work we don’t need to waste the money for COAs on the ML. If you would like a DM with the COA let me know!

DM comin atcha thank you!

Everything sold! We are in production 24/7 though and will build this inventory back up quickly and I will keep y’all posted! Cheers future fam!


We have another 700kg of distilled mother liquor ready to go! COA coming any hour and we will post it here!

Could you dm me a coa please

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@Lenny As soon as @kcalabs finishes it up I will send it to you!

Could you also DM me a coa?
Many thanks

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@Miles-Beyond you got it!

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Bump bump any word on the coa

33 a kg good lord. I still wear T shirts that I bought when trim costed that much.

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@Lenny Have not forgot about you! COA is taking longer than expected.

Lots of inventory sold and replenished! At 500kg available. DM for COA!

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We have a ton of Distilled ML and offering $25 kilos for 200kg orders. Barreled and ready to ship!
FCE ML COA 10.04.22.pdf (508.0 KB)