Distillate to "shatter" tolling, is it a scam?

Is it actually possible to thicken distillation back to a firmer texture without putting poison in it? This thread has me very Intrigued, wondering what everyone’s opinion is on this matter. My distillation comes out pretty rock hard after being ran 2-3 times and “slabs” out on parchment paper and gets a little sticky but still firm enough that the parchment paper doesn’t stick to the oil unless it’s hot out. Is it possible to make it thicker without poison? Would the thickeners companies sell do this ?

No the thickeners wouldn’t…

U need the A back in the THC. It’ll never shatter. Pull snap if ur lucky


No. I do not know of any way that this can be done safely. I just know it can be done with a variety of things that people definitely shouldn’t be inhaling. Different from thickeners. This is basically just mixing in crystalline/solid adulterants to mimic the glassy texture of THCa. It’s not something anyone should be doing. Let distillate be distillate and slabs be slabs.

I wonder if someone on here knows a way to convert THC back to THCa. That would be the only legitimate way of doing it assuming there’s no dangerous side reactions/residuals. To be fair I do not know if that is even possible though.


No tegridy


Yes it can be done put the a back in the game
@anon93688 knows more about it
But I do not recomend for it s another chemical myrad


I have a bucket of boswellic acids in extracting and I’ll let you know how they turn out for this purpose. Should work fine


any word back about if that worked for you?

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This stuff is all over the south. Looks almost real but wont dissolve in heated alcohol

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The sides of my personal disty jar shatters. It’s a super thin film.

Our lunatech with CRC would slab but that’s not distillate

Ive gotten disty to “shatter” form before, but it starts getting pliable within 5 seconds of holdint it. Most shatter ive had can be held for longer than 5 seconds before it starts sticking


Ugg silicone carb cap…needs some tin foil too

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Damn I didn’t know people actually cut disty and bho shits mind boggling. I guess I’m just waiting for it to be produced and coming from China next…



It looks like his bubbler jizzed all over his lips… Gross

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I still dont get why all these kids post videos of them selves taking dabs, who cares. You smoke weed so do alot of other people, makes no sense.


I did it to boost sales lol @Concentrated_humbold


I’ve wondered the same thing. I’m part of a couple of groups on FB, and that’s what the kids do. I say kids, but sometimes I’ll see someone my age (+/- 41) doing a “dabtag”. The majority of the time it’s people 25, or younger. I’ve actually left a couple of the groups because it was hella annoying having them trying to get me to participate.
And I love your IG posts @Apothecary36! The joker one was my most favorite one yet!


that was a delta 8 disty?