Distillate Market Oversaturation

That 5mg per kg of body weight is suspect still. I’ve seen people have the shits after taking more then 100mg and people feeling no improvement from 100mg to 500mg

Not in Oregon. Hemp products in the rec market are limited to <5% THC. One could do that with D8 though, at least until the OLCC caught wind and started making trouble for all parties involved…

You can probably get isomerized d9 into METRC by using it as a cut. Blend your accounted for oil with your isomerized oil 50/50 and then move the extra weight on the BM. This cuts your percentage of unknowns in half and could make it less likely that anyone recognizes the isomerized oil as what it is. It’s a shitty concept but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was already happening.

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@BrotanicalMatt ya… Martyrdom sucks

I think it might have been dry sift

Encouraging people to push their legal product back the the BM is a surefire way to hold the industry back or shut it down. That shit is fucking stupid! If you want to play in the BM, that’s fine. Just don’t encourage people to shit where they eat. More importantly, don’t tell people to shit where I eat, please.

Edit: And like I just said, 5% is the legal limit for THC in hemp and hemp derived products brought into the legal market. Doesn’t matter if the conversion happened in a rec lab or not. 5% is the max. Can’t legally happen the way you describe, and people will eventually start asking questions when your numbers don’t add up.


I really hope no one thinks that I’m recommending that anyone move any oil on the BM. I don’t support anyone moving isomerized oil in METRC either. That idea is shitty and I would lose respect for anyone doing that. I do worry it’s already happening though. Sorry if anyone misinterpreted my earlier comment.


But you’re right though. Totally possible. BM packs make it out of state into another states METRC like it’s nothing. This seems even more difficult to prevent.

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Sorry. I probably should have reread your comment more carefully prior to responding. My apologies for directing that at you. If you can’t tell, it’s something I feel passionate about. The sentiment still stands, though, for anyone encouraging more fuckery than we already have to deal with.


No apologies necessary. I reread what I had written in my first comment and it definitely reads as if I recommend that. I’m actually very sorry, I should have taken the time to rephrase a lot of what I said. I genuinely hope that people act ethically and don’t ruin the industry with stupid ideas like the one I presented earlier in the thread