23 posts were split to a new topic: Lost and cant find my way back… please help me!
Key word
He’s back!
This was a pretty fun past couple nights putting together our ideas of what spam is and how we should improve the flag and silencing situation. Not only did we free @Pupparoo in the midst of the points being made @spdking was freed also and thats something we couldnt achieve in a previous thread. Go Team!!!
@sidco is there a way of silencing paticular members at paticular times of the day or NIGHT. LoL
That be a good way to help a certain fella out.
Not natively but theres cool programs that do clicks on the screen on your schedule. Probably just better to ignore a user or feel free to flag.
Sounds like a good way to keep my Regular status. Lol
Best thing I have ever done on this forum. Lol
No need to be a puss and flag, IMO.
Eh if its off topic do it. The custom message is 100% appriciated
It might be more efficient regulating posts per hour for certain members. I am thinking 1 post per hour for thumper. I know we can do this for all users and that didnt work very well. Can we pin point that feature for specific members if they get out of line?
We’ve made a big deal about it in the past few days, but were talking about a small small handful of users out of 3-5k. Were doing great. I dont think the answer is more rules / system control. Just call em when you see em and convo like this will resolve it.
My Heroooooooooooooo
I don’t think we should silence or censor anything, unless it is something that could cause somebody direct harm. Doxxing someone’s address or providing info about crimes should never be allowed to stay.
I don’t think I’m alone in thinking that hate, racism, sexism, or bullying are unprofessional and give the forum a bad look. I’d rather not have my peers feel uncomfortable for whatever reason, but reality is that we must endure uncomfortable situations in life from time to time. On the other hand, if we allow unsavory posts to remain uncensored, we are doing the community a favor by allowing total asshats to call themselves out through their behavior. If people can’t act kindly towards others, we would be doing the community a disservice by hiding their unkind personality.
I have read some things I didn’t really like I’m sure, but couldn’t tell ya what they were, because I didn’t let them get me going. Next time someone trips your trigger, try just scrolling past, and bam, problem solved. If they really got your goat, let them know. We should be able to act somewhat mature here, right?
I dunno, I can be pretty crude and rough around the edges, but the backspace button usually fixes that before I hit reply. Nothing wrong with speaking our mind, but sometimes there’s nothing wrong with saying nothing at all.
52 users silenced/suspended
Dang. I didn’t know it was that many
But yes in comparison to visits it’s miniscule.
Shit, I had no idea it was that many! I’m glad we’ve had this discussion, and that we all feel something came from it. You guys rock!
Those are bots, and slangers who have had more than 1 warning. The system allows a suspended bots some time to resolve their case should they be a real person and there was a mistake, then the TL0s that never made it to TL1 get purged every so often if they remain inactive. Keeps the bots away.