Discussion about silencing, and how you feel about it

dont push it… LOL


I just meant in relation to the portion posting it. There’s a pattern, and it’s not the jokes. I think it’s jealousy personally. But I’m unsure…

There’s not reason to be jealous of you guys because you’ve worked for everything. None of the creators style this place from anyone. They created it!

Such a simple idea, but has had far reaching touches in every direction

I guess if @Pupparoo was a drunk, he’d have more support AND FORGIVENESS.



And a GLG Tag


@Pupparoo’s silencing is over. He was already forgiven.


I take that personal and it’s a shame… honestly a shame


I ask again directly. Spam, the same message over and over, reguardless of the thread title user will derail and change the subject. How do you handle this if you had control? What if it was advertising? Wheres your line

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I feel the same. Thats partially why I am here doing what I do.


I think people would take more heed in your desire for it to be strictly science if you contributed more frequently in those threads.


And that’s why I’m not…



A line is even across the board. There were many disposable vape ads that needed the same attention. Thumper was at his prime at the same time. Have you seen all these posts? I work 50hrs a week, run a garden and a family and have noticed. This place is my 3rd job and I have noticed. For being you run this place you should have more oversight over a person who is here less than a mod should. I really feel something important is being missed.


I honestly hid the vape and for sale sections and have undone that. You are absolutely right there. Either way if it doesn’t get a flag there is a chance I havent seen it.
The answer here is somewhere in the middle, but I have to hold my ground on the spam thing and think the punishment (short silence) is more than fair from what other places do. Do you really want every thread to have posts about buttholes? I just dont think thats reasonable. Again, seems silly this is even a thing that someone is wholeheartedly standing up for.


That’s an exaggeration and we aren’t standing up for what he’s saying. We are standing up for our rights as humans and to have conversations as they go……. Not as one member sees fit. There are now 13 members with the ability to cut content out. Why not leave it to someone else to do some of it……. Why do you feel the need to continually moderate someone that has obviously rubbed you wrong??

Just take yourself out of the equation for once


Fair, I vow to lean on lvl4 / leaders landing more. This is really not a bad idea at all.


[quote=“Killa12345, post:73, topic:155634, full:true”]

This is going to be interesting.
Iv been personally effected from this abuse.


Maybe a thread in the leaders lounge and say if you see it. Cut it……

It’s why I hate touching thread I’ve had arguments in. I don’t wanna be looked at as abusing my powers as quite a few say already.

I know some of its busting my chops but I see my bias and try to remove myself from those decisions.


You do better than all the others COMBINED.


Any forum members are welcome to the content suite. In fact, I’d like to do a panel. You’re all on it. Email me if you’re going to be in Vegas and would be willing to talk about this in real life.


I agree with this Lady! And only because she’s honest and absolutely reasonable. As are you @sidco!
And I’m not saying they because she’s your mom!

You really do deserve a huge debt of gratitude from the ones that care about this place. I could never deal with all of this, and running it! The decisions etc.

People can pissed all they want. If this place was as shitty of a place as some make it. (Either in words or their head…) They wouldn’t keep coming back for more (using whatever name they can just register) if it was a bullshit place filled with bullshit. It’s a premier destination for those that have scientific intent on anything they do.

There’s so many rabbit holes that just that 1 post can put you through if you want to learn. I was able to learn so much about so much because it’s here, if you want to read it! Just checked and I’ve read 267k posts. Over a year, and read that many. Nothing better to do, and I wish I had more to contribute to communal knowledge now. I feel kind of lost with restructuring my time in a new place with new things.

This isn’t about me, I could never do what you do. I respect your choices, and that’s whey I’ll gladly defend them! You make the right choice for the right reasons. If people can’t see that, they need glasses. He’ll be back don’t worry!

It’s an accumulation of shit over time, and shit hasgive down hill here a bit. But that’s a user thing, not a place thing. People want to be here. Tell them what is going to require, and diligently pass out silences. Especially to new users. Give them some time to read, or plot things over. But after the silence, they’ll be gone or we’ll know for sure if they want to learn or just troll.

I don’t know you


You are an amazing site leader. Not once have you come at me with aggression or hostility. You were always willing to see the other side if someone is willing to prove there point. To admit stepping down a little is a good idea takes a true leader. THIS is why I am here and loving it. We have the best forum parents in the whole interwebs.